So I don't know how useful it would be to speedrunning as a whole and I'm not entirely sure what it is that's causing it, but fog doesn't seem to affect my game at all. I assumed it was because of hardware because I've never played modded trying to test stuff. I'll try to supply some images and/or video for it later in a vanilla game. Regardless I don't entirely know if it is even useful for speedrunning but I wanted to bring it up just in case. It'd be interesting to at least figure out a vanilla way to basically nullify fog.
my friend who doesnt speedrun the game has this aswell. he has a really bad pc, im not sure if thats what affects it but all i know is that it does help a lot during gameplay.
I'm on a Nvidia 550ti and my pc is from 2011. The game has pretty low specs so it runs fine for me. From what I can tell after booting it might have something to do with shaders not loading.
My thought was that it might make more maps visible, I have ZERO issues seeing things on Titan.
So I recorded a video and uploaded it to youtube. its still rendering, its only 3 minutes tho so it'll be done soon. I show multiple foggy planets, you can see Titan with clear weather around 2:00
i wanna asking about this too, since me and my friend have low spec PC so we dont have Volumetric thing(that what bepinex cmd said)/Fog ingame even without mods And i wanna know if we try to speedrun it with this situation even its vanilla (non modded) is the run still valid or not
Hi everyone!
Theres been plenty of changes on the leaderboards recently! Firstly, we've recently added the Ironman challenge as a speedrun category to the main leaderboards! There's two different variants of this challenge. In Classic Ironman you land on each moon only once, while in *Hardcor