Level 3 revamp
3 months ago
United States

you guys might want to think about clearing the level three leaderboards because of the new revamp. the pillars make it so you can't get as close to the wall and you get bigger turns around the corners so you get higher times. its basically impossible to beat the current time unless you get an absolutely insane run. just an idea though or maybe like make it a different category, one for the new version and one for the old or something i dont know

Edited by the author 3 months ago
United States
Deleted by the author
United States

Huh, really? I wanna say there aren't added pillars in the corners but I actually didn't look closely. I'll check, but if there is then yeah that might be a problem. (sadly, I can't really change leaderboard stuff)

United States

It's not the best picture but there's two others.

United States

Dang, I see. It indeed does make the level just slightly longer

Edited by the author 3 months ago
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New Big Scary Speedrunning Rules (located in the "leaderboards" tab)

Recently, W1llipet and the other moderators have set up new rules for Big Scary as the old ones weren't the best and needed an update. Please read them as will be using them when verifying runs from this point forward.

Some rules are going to cause a couple changes with the leaderboard, such as lev

19 days ago