Did you know?
7 years ago

A few days ago I was running Batman, attempting that sub 11, and I beat the game. 11:3x something, made some mistakes, etc. Instead of resetting I went downstairs to grab some water and made a phone call, and when I came back upstairs the game had kicked me back to the title.

I went and checked the VOD and I've always reset to start a new run. It takes about 2-3 minutes for you to be able to go back to the title screen without resetting. I didn't know that, and an interesting quirk about this is you start a new game, without resetting, you start that game with whatever ammo you had leftover from your previous game. I tested twice, once on emulator, and once on my Everdrive and both times I started the new game with 28 ammo and 70+ ammo respectively. I haven't tested on an original cart yet, but I assume it's the same. Not really useful to anyone here I'm sure, but maybe something a lot of people had no idea even existed (or maybe not). :D

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Yes, it is the same on the cartridge

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