Individual Level Leaderboards
3 years ago

With TSC submissions being down since March and the site's infrastructure growing more outdated by the second, it's finally time to put some IL leaderboards up here. The change won't happen untill after SGDQ as I simply won't have the time, but I wanted to get this thread up ahead of time to list how I intend to structure the boards, as well as gather some input from the community about several points.


  • Video is required
  • Emulators are banned

There will not be a transfer of any existing statistics from TSC or other sites. The sheer workload would be huge as is, even more so if we contact every person to ask if they're ok with having their stats transferred to begin with. A lot of stats on TSC are without video to begin with, so even if we did a stat transfer, it would still result in an incomplete board. The intention is to give these boards a fresh start and let the people decide for themselves whether they want their stats here or not. This will make the boards start out empty of course, but if the community wills it, the boards can evolve into the primary IL boards on the internet.

For the boards there is 2 potential structures and I'd like your input on what you would prefer:

  1. “Green Hill Classic” “Green Hill Modern” as the stage names and Skills / No Skills as subcategories
  2. “Green Hill” as the stage name and Modern / Classic as the subcategories, but Skills / No Skills as a variable that people can filter for (both shown by default) Due to the structure of the site's IL boards these are the 2 most viable options. Unlike full game categories, having multiple tiers of subcategories doesn't really work for the IL boards.

The emulator rule might be a bit unnecessary since the game has a PC version, but I'd like to have it there for clarity.

If you have any thoughts about any of the above or something I didn't mention, post here. It'll be a while before the change is implemented, so you'll have plenty time to get your thoughts in.

Lastly, keep in mind that verification will take a while during the initial wave. Especially since this is not the only game that will be getting IL boards. Should the workload become too large for the existing mods, I'll be sure to recruit someone from the community to help verify.

DrunkGecko 喜欢这个

In my opinion the first structure sounds better, playing skills and no skills in the same category is a lot of difference in all of the stages. But what about challenges and bosses? Maybe a structure of challenge 1-challenge 5 will work better so we can have them? (And leave blank spaces in the main levels)


I'd rather have a giant row of empty spots on the challenges, than have multiple rows of empty spots on the main stages (which I reckon will get the most attention anyway). Similar to my reply on the Unleashed boards, I'd rather extend the boards vertically with a scroll bar, than horizontally where it will be cramped.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

Yeah option 1 sounds best, then a separate tab for bosses (normal and hard mode), and then another tab for challenge acts. Each challenge could be listed as "Green Hill Challenge 1" for the row etc., and then Modern and Classic as columns, similar style to UP here: I'm guessing that's possible and that I'm understanding's leaderboard formats correctly too


Sadly I can't have Skills / No Skills as the columns for part of the stages, then Normal / Hard as columns for another set of stages, then Modern / Classic for yet another set of stages.

The site is horribly restrictive, I can't make different tabs for different sets of stages, all ILs are forced to share the same columns.

North Carolina, USA

Hmmm? didn't force have a category letting you do with or without super sonic in the modern stages. i've assuming that you guys have already tried a similar method with generations with the skills or no skills?

I also agree with option 1 the best for generations as well.


i would try making modern and classic leader boards seperate and just incorporate the bosses/challenges/stages that way. if it would make things less of a headache

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

Yes it does DGF and this will have the same types of columns BUT I have to choose 1 set of columns for ALL ILs.

I can't do Modern/Classic for half of it, then Skills/No Skillsfor the other half


It seems Modern and Classic may be best as the columns, and then have all the stages listed vertically, and to separate Skills/No Skills do it something like this:

Green Hill Classic (No Skills) Green Hill Classic (Skills) Green Hill Modern (No Skills) Green Hill Modern (Skills)

And then have bosses below main acts, and then challenge acts below that

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

SB, there are no tabs. You get 1 page with 1 set of rows and 1 set of columns.

You can technically specify further with a tier of subcategories, but only the 1st subcategory will show up on the "view all" page.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

Apparently I can't read lol... edited my earlier post


Yeah that's roughly the structure I'm thinking of, it'll be a long list but the least shite option considering the site's heavy restrictions.

Ohio, USA

Cool, cant wait to get started 👍

DrunkGecko 喜欢这个

Right now I'm debating between 3 setups for the boards that work with the discussed restrictions. If anyone has a preference, by all means let me know by posting here. I'm not happy with how any of these options look, but this game has too many variables so I'm just looking for the least bad one.

I figured I'd put the options in a poll so those who don't want to post can voice their opinion:

Option 1: Skills / No Skills as categories, Modern/Classic listed in stage names


  • The addendum of Modern/Classic looks better than an addendum of Skills/No Skills on every stage name.


  • Need for addendums on the names of the challenges
  • Slightly longer list as a result of needing to split challenges by Modern/Classic for some challenges
  • More empty slots on the view all page

................................................................................Skills................No Skills Green Hill Modern Green Hill Classic Chemical Plant Modern Chemical Plant Classic Rest of the stages Metal Sonic Metal Sonic Hard Mode Death Egg Robot Death Egg Robot Hard Mode Rest of the bosses Green Hill Challenge 1 Modern Green Hill Challenge 2 Modern Green Hill Challenge 2 Classic Green Hill Challenge 3 Classic Rest of the challenges with timers

Option 2: Modern/Classic as categories, Skills/No Skills in stage names


  • No addendums on the challenges
  • Slightly shorter list. There's no need to split challenges as they only allow the skill specific to the challenge
  • Less empty slots on the view all page


  • The addendum of Skills/No Skills looks slightly worse

................................................................................Modern................Classic Green Hill (Skills) Green Hill (No Skills) Chemical Plant (Skills) Chemical Plant (No Skills) Rest of the stages Metal Sonic Metal Sonic (Hard) Death Egg Robot Death Egg Robot (Hard) Rest of the bosses Green Hill Challenge 1 Green Hill Challenge 2 Green Hill Challenge 3 Rest of the challenges with timers

Option 3: Modern/Classic as categories, Skills/No Skills as subcategories for the ILs


  • Shortest list possible with the site's restrictions


  • The 'view all' page would only show the time of the 1st subcategory (most likely Skills as that's fastest), the No Skills times will only be viewable if you go the the page of the specific IL.
  • Hard Mode bosses still need to be split using the name, as I can only pick 1 subcategory to apply to all the ILs.

................................................................................Modern................Classic Green Hill Chemical Plant Rest of the stages Metal Sonic Metal Sonic (Hard) Death Egg Robot Death Egg Robot (Hard) Rest of the bosses Green Hill Challenge 1 Green Hill Challenge 2 Green Hill Challenge 3 Rest of the challenges with timers

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

I like option 3 the most


I'll be honest, same


Yeah option 3 looks the tidiest and most concise

picbear 喜欢这个
North Carolina, USA

yeah, im in fully agreement with option 3

发布于 3 months ago
发布于 3 months ago
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发布于 7 months ago
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