What Remains of Edith Finch.
7 years ago

Ive done roughly 6-7 runs of this game Glitchless and I plan on uploading everything soon. Been shaving 15s or so off the time each time. How should I go about using developer commands to find glitches for this game. The wiki isn't helpful and I'm not really sure what to do to figure it out. I want to draw collision meshes so i can look around for a possible skip or two.

Texas, USA

Finding glitches is an art-form. There's not really a process to it, and the approach varies by game. It's kind of a thing you just get a feel for after you've been doing it for a while. However, I'll share some of the insights I've arrived on this topic:

A lot of glitches are found by simply playing a lot and trying out new things. In fact, there are relatively few glitches that were found by scanning the source code compared to those simply found by accident. Try combining actions that normally don't go together. Something like the LOZ:OOT navi dive could never be found in the source code, because it is a combination of two separate actions that have a unique result when performed together:

Mess around with the game's edges and see if you can find weak points. It's a process; you don't usually stumble across something big all at once. It's usually more like "Hmm that's weird, I wonder what caused it and how I can use that to my advantage." In one game I was playing, I was just trying out different button combinations, and I found out that if you spam bogus inputs, the game ignores sprite cycling. I thought this was weird and messed around with it, which led me to find that spamming keys suspends hitbox detection and even physics calculations (including gravity). This led to finding certain skips by moving through hitboxes and approaching them from different angles, warping you across several rooms at a time. The run is here: https://www.speedrun.com/hapc#Single_Run_100

Look for differences during different playthroughs. Watch other people play through it and see if they do anything different. Sometimes you can miss something simply because you've never known there was another way. I've been working with Winslinator over on Treasure Cove looking for ways to predict where a certain item will spawn. After taking notes and comparing them, we found that the location of an item required to get to the next level can be found if you recognize the pattern of where seemingly "random" NPCs start. He made a chart for it here: https://www.speedrun.com/Treasure_Cove/resources. Sometimes it's not a matter of messing with the game, but using things within the game itself. Even the manual can sometimes point out things that you might not have noticed before. The game's manual is usually a good resource for piecing together every possible thing every item can do and coming up with ways to try to combine them. It's not always just about finding glitches, but figuring out how you can apply them to your advantage.

Hope this helps!

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Oregon, USA

yo tomoassassin wanna go ahead and create some categories or something so people can actually submit runs for this game or no