Can 2020 be the year of load removal?
4 years ago
United States

A lot of the community have voiced their issues with the load times in this game over the years. All the load removers thus far have been red taped so lets hope that we can work towards some sort of agreement for the betterment of the speedrun.

Given that this version of the Unreal engine doesn't seem to have an explicit game state that we can use to determine when we are loading I've injected my own. This load remover literally patches the LoadMap and SaveGame functions and passes the state to LiveSplit before and after they run. The primary issue is that while this method seems to be the most accurate it makes re-timing the old runs next to impossible. This is mainly because the LoadMap function finishes before the load screen actually disappears and we gain control of The Dude. I'd like for this community to have the privilege of fairness with regards to hardware, independent of the quality of runs being produced.

I propose that old runs, for the sake of advancement, are simply grandfathered in for the time being. We re-time these runs by removing the entire load screen, subtracting 1 second each time, and make adjustments to the load remover as time and the community deem necessary. If I have to re-time every run, then so be it. Let me know what you guys think because I really think we deserve better than nothing.


What about just splitting it in 2 categories?

Hesse, Germany

We really don't need more categories. Windows or Linux, regular or enhanced, RTA or segmented and now you wanna add RTA/Loadless? That just really is teadious

编辑者 作者 4 years ago

I would prefer to keep RTA. It is too late to change timing method. It was problem with an Ewil s pc but he deserve his advantage and i didnt complain about it i were just playing. I see only one way. Add loadremover, count average time of loads and take it away from all times in table. That will keep all places and won t make a grand gap between newer and older runs. That will be a compromise because i understand that will take a lot amount of time to retime all runs manually.

Hesse, Germany

I think that is a really bad suggestion. What would be the point of this? The reason we want a loadless timer to begin with is because the loading screens have different lengths for everybody depending on the hardware. We want to even the times out to reflect how good the run is, not the runners hardware. If you remove a flat value from every run on the leaderboards then what is the point of removing time to begin with? How is that equaling out the length of loading screen differences? How is that putting skilled runners at an advantage again over people with good hardware? It legit makes absolutely no sense to subtract a flat value for everybody. That would be arbitrary and definitely not help the run's history out.

QuarantineTarantula 喜欢这个

Exactly right. I say we just leave the times on the board as is, and allow loadremover for future runs.

Individual levels are back

Patch 5100 added the day selection from the main menu, you can now submit ILs for all the 5 days, please read the rules and good luck!

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