Inverted right click for scott%
Inverted right click for scott%
更新时间 3 years ago pnaha

In scott% you can use right click to speed up the game at all times. Holding right click for the whole run is kind of tiresome, so I use a simple AutoHotKey script to invert right click. It makes the game speed up by default and slows it down when I hold right click. Much nicer, right? So, here's how to do it:

  1. Download and install AutoHotKey:
  2. Right click on the desktop, click New -> AutoHotkey Script. Give the file a name.
  3. Open the .ahk file you just created in Notepad or any text editing program.
  4. The file already has text in it, you can leave it there. Copy and paste this below:

RButton::click, up, right RButton Up::click, down, right Esc::ExitApp

  1. Save the file.
  2. Open the file to run the script when you're ready to start your run.
  3. Press esc to stop the script when you are done.

When the script is running, using Windows is obviously tricky. That's why I put the esc command in, so you can easily shut down the script. Also, using the menu buttons in-game requires you to hold right click. Enjoy playing scott%!