Finalizing Ifruit App Rules
7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

This is a somewhat dead discussion but I wanted to resurrect it. If you have run GTA V (any category) in the last year or have shown interest in GTA V speedrunning through watching the runs or streamers, feel free to read and vote below.

Please comment with one of the following to voice your vote as to the fate of the 'Ifruit App':

  • Ban it.
  • Allow its use. You can add further comment but please start with either one of these positions. The Ifruit apps primary use is to make minor upgrades to vehicles using an app on your phone or iPad whilst you play (not in the game, in real life).

When I first found that the ifruit app saved time, I was against using it. I was not a mod so I discussed it with a few other GTA people on twitter and I made a forum post. Most people I discussed it with were either indifferent or supported using it, similar to how the tingle turner is used in 'Wind Waker'. After much deliberation, I believed the only real reason I had left to support banning it was that it was somewhat annoying to use.

That was 11 months ago. Today, I am the only one who has used the Ifruit App (excluding LoneWolfHalen once and LotsOfS yesterday). At this point it is just giving me a small advantage over anyone else who runs the game.

With that being said, the only people who would be motivated to use it are those who want to squeeze out every second possible. There are only a few such runners now, but it is possible that one day it could be used by more people. The last 11 months however suggests this is unlikely.

I do not care if it is kept or not at this stage, if that matters to you.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Tasmania, Australia

I vote for allowing its use.

I am a new runner so take my opinion with a grain of salt but the only good reason I can think of to ban it is because it might not be accessible to everyone who runs the game. i.e. some people might not have a device capable of running the app, or people are not able to correctly install/operate it.

Due to the Tingle Tuner being allowed in Wind Waker though and the limited advantages of it (there are many people who run the game without it but still have a good time, and the fact that it's even less accessible than the iFruit app), I believe that the time save in GTA V isn't that significant and therefore should be allowed for people to use.

BustaCarl 喜欢这个
New Zealand

I support its use. I see no valid argument for its banning, and I'm pretty sure I've heard all the reasons why people are against it.

New South Wales, Australia

I just checked with LotsOfS, turns out he used it on his classic% run yesterday.

Île-de-France, France

I vote for allowing its use.

Even though I have only submitted no more than two Trevor% runs I think its use is pretty straightforward and should be allowed. You have plenty of time to manipulate the app during Michael's burial, and the only reason to not use it as far as I know is laziness. In my opinion, if you're as lazy as to not use iFruit, you probably don't care about having the best possible time anyway.

Western Australia, Australia

I vote for allowing its use for the same reasons as Dezache ^


Allow it. Don't see it being a huge time save in Trevor%. But Trevor% is an obsolete run, so with the focus on Classic, 100, and any%'s iFruit is a great tool.

if it is possible to use it as it is being used in runs if I just buy the game and start the run then keep it as a variable otherwise it's NG+ so ban (or restrict is use as how it would be on a fresh account)

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

As long as what Gael says is correct (you can buy a fresh copy of the game and download the iFruit app, link your account and then do the run) I am fine with it.

Most of my arguments on "DLC" usage is basically to answer the question: can someone who buys the game today do what you are doing?

  • For last-gen DLC you can still get that I am pretty sure (unless they removed them in the final patch)
  • For bonus money you cannot.
  • For iFruit it is still downloadable from all mobile store fronts IIRC.

Also the iFruit app is available on iOS (so iPod/iPad/iPhone), Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8/10 (so if you're on those on your PC you could technically use it there) and PSVita (but unfortunately not on PSTV), so hopefully making it accessible to quite a lot of people.

Friesland, Netherlands


burhác 喜欢这个

Ban it

Derpeth 喜欢这个
California, USA

Use it, but don't make a line saying "yes" or "no".


Ban it

Derpeth 喜欢这个

[quote]As long as what Gael says is correct (you can buy a fresh copy of the game and download the iFruit app, link your account and then do the run) I am fine with it. [/quote] you missed the IF in my post I have no idea if it works on fresh copy

Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

[quote]you missed the IF in my post I have no idea if it works on fresh copy[/quote] Yeah, bad phrasing on my part, I want to also know if it works on a fresh copy, and if so, I would be OK with it, aka I agree with Gael.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
United States

When Rockstar stops updating GTAV the App will probably stay in the stores, (Android,Apple) The only time when it will even be considered to be removed is when VI comes out and they use the same thing again in there, but i'm sure they'll make a setting on changing between games.

I vote Keep It.

New South Wales, Australia

Yes it can be used with a brand new game. Whenever a new game starts, the ifruit app resets as if you had just bought a new copy of the game.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Sunnyy 喜欢这个
New South Wales, Australia

With 11 votes for 'Allow' and 3 votes for 'Ban', a majority has been reached and thus this poll is now closed. The Ifruit app will remain allowed until circumstances change significantly enough to justify further discussion or a vote on the matter.