"Timer starts upon taking control"--why?
7 years ago
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Nah, I don't buy that. If starting at new game select can be that precise, then so can first input. They're exactly the same. In both cases, you press a button on your controller and on your keyboard (or a foot pedal or something, if that's how you split) at the same time. That's the same thing.

New Jersey, USA

I think we're describing different things. For example, if I start Super Mario Bros., the game starts, and the timer starts (the one that counts down in the game), then that is the first moment that you have control. Livesplit should start at that moment. Regardless of whether you actually make an input, the game has started. If a few seconds go by and then you press forward while starting the split, then that is a late split--according to what I'm describing. If that is considered fair, then I must have the wrong idea. In many games, things are already happening in-game, at that point. Whether or not you make an input, you have still been given control of the character.

So yes, a player can split at the same time as the first input, but if that occurs after the player is given control, then it is a late split. Also, if a player needs to make an input or series of inputs that involve both hands (running forward and shooting the first enemy on screen, for example), then splitting with one hand can be problematic.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Shade667, stoot, HowDenKing 喜欢这个
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

So it would seem. When I say "first input" I mean the actual first input you do. So far, no one in any of my runs (lel, the idea of other people running the same games I do) has had issue with the game world having the opportunity to exist before the first input. I can see why it could matter, some games have RNG manipulation based on how long you linger at the title screen (or some damn thing) but even then, any timing method is fair as long as it's the same for everyone.

xDrHellx 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USA

Right on. When I say "first input", I'm assuming that the timer starts when the game starts and that the player would want to make the first input as soon as the game starts. Sorry for the confusion. I thought we were speaking on the precedent of games that start timing upon taking control of the character.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Yeah, I always end up re-timing. I would hope that the majority of others do as well, but I've seen enough people who don't :-/

It's not a big deal to me, as long as I uphold my personal standards, and as long as it isn't blatant.