Skip List
Skip List
更新时间 8 years ago Wingilbert

Art Tower Key 1 Skip - Out-of-bounds clip in the first part of Art Tower. Saves 2 minutes. The knight is not required on the PAL version, but it helps with consistency. Cornell only.

Blue Lift Skip - Unintended jump in Tunnel from the red lift to the blue lift's destination. Saves 20-25 seconds. PAL only.

Castle Center Skip - Clip into an unloaded room on a corner on the first floor. Saves 13-14 minutes. Carrie only. PAL only.

Cog Skip - Two clips in the Castle Center's cog room. Saves 40 seconds. Precise.

Copper Key/Villa Skip - OoB clip on a stone pillar in the hedge maze. Saves 9.5 minutes as Cornell and 55 seconds as Carrie or Reinhardt. Not possible for Cornell, Reinhardt, or Henry on the PAL version.

Flamethrower Climb Skip - Unintended jump in the Clock Tower's spike bar room. Saves 13 seconds. Very precise, so not recommended outside a TAS.

Key C Skip - Unintended jump in the third section of Clock Tower. Saves 25 seconds. Several methods. Possible methods vary by version.

Outer Wall Skip - Unintended jump at the start of Outer Wall. Saves 2 minutes.

Ruins Part 2 Skip - Unintended jump in the second section of Tower of Ruins. Saves 50 seconds. Two methods, but the faster one is precise.

Secret Tunnel Skip - Any of the many methods of reaching the last lever in Forest of Silence without using the secret tunnel. Saves 10-15 seconds depending on the method and character.

Slide Skip - Unintended fall/jump in the final area of Clock Tower. Saves 10 seconds. Possible methods vary by version.

Were-Leopard Skip - Unintended jump at the beginning of Duel Tower. Saves 10-15 seconds. Not possible on the PAL version.

Giant Werewolf Skip - Two unintended jumps at the end of Duel Tower. Saves 10-15 seconds. Frame perfect and death if failed, so not recommended outside a TAS. Cornell only.