Awesome changes! And some correction
3 years ago

I am very happy to see this game's page improve! But I also have a correction. Rules states:"Creating a new profile simplifies the menuing" but it is wrong for UM version of the game. I tested it a minute ago. It also explains why sistraer was doing it instead of creating a new profile. I guess you can delete and reinstall the game for it to work, but for now it doesn't seem worth it for me. Can be another methods for it like savefiles manipulating(deleting etc.)


Can you explain why it doesn't save time?

On Worms4 you are proposed the first 4 levels in a Chapter, when all 4 are done you unlock the 5th one, etc... The menu sreen will be on the lowest level not completed by default. So by creating a new 'team' (I said profile, I should have said team), you can just go through 1, 2, 3, 4... 25 in the right order. Instead of having a completed story mode, where the menu starts by default on lv25, so you have to take extra time to rewind to earlier levels.

I don't know how it works on Ultimate but I wish I knew.

I can also open the game folder, and rename/delete the SaveGame.xom file in the root directory. This will force the game to recreate a blank SaveGame.xom, which means fresh start.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

I was trying to say creating a new team in UM doesn't do anything in this favor. It just always starts the selection with lvl 25, like in sistraer's speedrun.

Save file manipulating should work, but I didn't test it

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