North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

I checked out MapTools, it seems really overcomplicated for what I'm looking for. If you're interested in making a framework I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm pretty close to being done, but I think it would be a big help for anyone interested in routing something like this.

North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

I've been routing a game called artifact adventure for a while (yes I'm aware of a guy that did a run on YT, it's not even valid as it is a TA and not a RTA). Here is what I have gotten so far as a vague route (It's not done). I've been using Photoshop because of the layering and ability to create arrow heads. http://i.imgur.com/D9fiPOq.gif My question to you all is, what kinds of software are out there that could help with this sort of process for annotating each path? I could try labeling each connection or area visit in some form of 1A-LTR (FirstArea-VisitOne-AreaName) or something like that, but what I'd really like is something where I could mouseover and get data off of it. I could create an interactive web page but that would take more work for me, when I just want to focus on the route.

In a nutshell I'm looking for mapping software that has the following features: Layers Mouseover annotations (or some form of simple annotating that is visually linked with the route data) Simple and intuitive methods of visually drawing a route

konu: Talk
North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

I saw and still mostly see playing through a video game with the objective of reaching some completion point as the highest demonstration of mastery of the game's mechanics and planning. Basically, being fast is an interesting challenge.

Pat_Speedruns bunu beğeniyor
North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

Thanks for posting the video, and we've known about this for a bit, but no one has done a run with it.

I'm currently preoccupied in other areas of my life but if you, or anyone, wants to discuss tech/optimizations shoot me a discord message, I'll read it within a couple of days. This forum feature is a bad way to get in contact with me.

North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

DLC is any additional content package on top of the primary game. For example, there was a skip discovered involving clipping using an HD Texture package that is offered for free. However, it is not included in the base game (even on Steam) and is considered illegal for that reason. You can untick the DLC in the steam configuration or manually remove the files (https://steamcommunity.com/app/202170/discussions/0/846945955286761354/).

Sorry for the late reply

konu: Deadpool
North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, but there's nothing wrong with a PS4 version assuming that there are no version differentiating timesaves exclusive to PS4.

Pear bunu beğeniyor
North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

Magikilo and I have been discussing this glitch and we've come to the decision that although the DLC is free and doesn't have any intended gameplay altering components, it is still DLC and thus runs utilizing this glitch are using DLC and are therefore DQ from the any% category. My pb I had on the leaderboards has been reverted to my run which qualified for DLC.

North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

Discovering the source of door clips has made me want to discover the source of the enigmatic Patsy Skip.

For those that have no idea, check the above link

Patsy skip is seemingly random, but I feel like some combination of elements can trigger the skip. If her AI only slightly glitches out (as in the above video) you can shoot her car to slow her down somewhat, but hopefully we can hunt for a full fledged version where she never gets in her car.

siyfics. ve arneezy619 bunu beğendi
North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

After some research I've confirmed (unless someone can disprove) that HD textures are what enables this glitch. From now on I will refer to this glitch which enables door clipping as texture reload, as it has other properties (such as resetting certain environmental kills and respawns certain world objects such as benches, although that last one has no use outside of shits and giggles).

Needless to say I'll be accepting runs that utilize this glitch from now on.

Nord ve stoot bunu beğendi
North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

Quick update, I managed to reproduce the glitch again, however it required the toggling of HD textures on and off. If anyone can get it to work through that way, let us know here.

Specs: GTX 970 DirectX - 10 Game Version - 2.1.437044 REPRODUCTION METHOD: Enable HD textures and run into the doorway. (You can also disable them, and extreme/high details have HD textures as default)

North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

¤Definitive Edition Users¤ Door clip has never been produced on definitive edition to my knowledge.

Door Clip - Specs: AMD Radeon HD 6950 Drivers 15.200.1055.0 (Info provided from Dalanarr) DirectX - ?? Game Version - 2.1.437044

I will not approve runs including door clip unless it can be reproduced consistently across most machines. I would like for this to be possible, but right now I cannot reproduce door clip. I was once able to produce it but have since lost my ability to.

If you can get it to work, give us all your information about graphics drivers, card, graphical settings (including which directx version you are using). I ask that anyone with the game, and any version, attempt to reproduce it.

If you don't realize how to do it by watching the video, you basically toggle your graphics settings from a low setting to a high setting (which in the video causes the doors to reload temporarily disappearing from the world, but that doesn't always happen)

North Carolina, USAChamploo7 years ago

It would just be really long and not extremely interesting in my opinion. All races might be an interesting category however.

Champloo Hakkında
If you need a run verified DM me on Discord
9 years ago
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