Why hasn't the switch to IGT happened yet?
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

I would've thought that @charlocharlie 's writeup as to why the switch was needed would've been enough to actually get this to happen, but it hasn't yet. If it's an issue of it being too much work, I'd be happy to assist in converting all of the runs to IGT. I also realize there are tons of runs without video, including many of mine, but I for one would gladly be for a switch to videos being mandatory. Response from a mod would be greatly appreciated.

LukeSaward, Tigercat5 ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Washington, USA

Totally with Francesco with this one, and while I don't think videos should be totally necessary, I still believe the minimum thresholds for video being required on runs are way too loose for most categories, namely most non-skip run categories.

LukeSaward ve Francesco bunu beğendi