new casual speedrunner arrived
6 years ago

hey my runner name is speedygarret real name Alexander

im from Quebec Canada just getting started in the actual speedrunning ive been watching it for a long time but i decided to give it a shot.

Summer for me is only part time really short run but winter ill get into bigger project(harder pb )

im always social and ready to work on something if i can be useful for any co-op time or some i will when i get any knowledge share hapily

sorry my terrible english obviously not my main language

TingTyphoon ve alkaline_ice bunu beğendi
United States

Welcome to the community, Alexander! I wish you the best of luck on your runs! :) And your English is pretty good. Don't worry about it.


Thank you and community on speedruns is always nice i think that big part of what get me into it its not in every field that you see people ready to share their trick and hour of knowledge just to see other people be succesfull

and to add a little to my speedrunning project

some little project to get use to recording submitting

-excitebike -kung-fu -some payday 2 co-op

more personnal fun speedrun i do cause i love the game

-chip and dale rescue ranger -im thinking maybe some warframe

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