Downpatching your game to Version 0.77.3
Downpatching your game to Version 0.77.3
Updated 2 years ago by MrMcsqueezy

The most recent update allows for runners with machines that previously were not able to run Tormented Souls smoothly now can! This has however made a few changes to the speed of the game, the letter glitch not working, items not being able to be skipped faster and etc.

As a result, we have currently created two versions of any%, one for the older, faster patch, and one for the newer patch. The benefits being those with slower machines can still compete fairly, on a level playing field, but those used to the current route and speed of the run are otherwise unaffected.

So, SHiiDO has made this excellent guide in order to help you all downpatch back to the previous, faster version for those of you want to keep with the same level of speed.

  1. Download depot (
  2. Shut down steam
  3. Replace game files (...your steam folder\steamapps\common\Tormented Souls) with the files you downloaded
  4. Modify the "appmanifest_1367590.acf" (location: ...your steam folder\steamapps) Open it with text editor (or an editor you prefer) and set "StateFlags" to "4", save the file and close it. This let steam think your game is up to date.
  5. Launch steam - your game should now be on v 0.77.3 and not updating to the newer (but slower) version 0.88.0