Instant Action Levels
7 years ago

Is there any possibility that there can be categorys for individuel levels?


Can do. When I find the time I'll set it up. :)

(Edit) Done! Hopefully that should work . :S

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I know the rules say "Use Instant Action", but does it strictly have to be IA levels or can I submit ILs from the campaign?

(I only ask because doing campaign ILs is how I practice for full campaign runs and I was wondering if I can submit those. If not don't worry, but since there are no ILs posted yet I figured I'd ask).

Edited by the author 7 years ago

ILs have to be Instant Action. The reason is because in some, if not, most cases, campaign levels have several differing factors.

For example, levels like Naboo: Plains, Naboo: Theed and Kashyyyk: Islands can't be used because you're fighting against indigenous factions. Some levels have Jedi Heroes helping you, which influences the outcome of the battle to a certain degree. And then there's the levels where you start off with a -50 reinforcements handicap.

Using Instant Action just helps make things fairer. Hope this helps. :)

Timmiluvs likes this

Ty, yeah that makes perfect sense.

Figured that would be the case but never hurts to check :p

California, USA

So as more and more people begin running this game and our instant action IL's get shorter by a matter of seconds instead of minutes, anyone able to clarify the exact timing methods? I've been measuring the "timer starts when the level is done loading" as the first frame where the circular "loading" segment has a faction select screen somewhat overlaid on it.

This is less of a big deal, but I've also been counting my timer ends as the first frame where the green "VICTORY" text is present onscreen by itself, as it seems at least on the xbox version, the very first frame of green VICTORY text actually has the HUD still active. I've been stopping the timer on the next frame, where the text is finally alone sans-HUD.

BostonBrew likes this
Massachusetts, USA

For ILs timing starts when the level finishes loading to victory text. If it appears faster on Xbox it's simply another reason the Xbox version is superior for speedruns. What I am curious about is how much time Xbox One saves from reduced loading times/frame drops?


Edited by the author 5 years ago
California, USA

Right, I guess I'll keep starting my time on the very first frame that a faction select is available (albeit semitransparently) and end on the very first victory frame.

Not sure, I also wonder if maybe the 360 is more viable than the X1 or the OG xbox. Someone could do a 3-way test...

Also, for inputting time, I've just been rounding to the nearest second, whether it's up or down. Is there a standardized procedure for this?

Massachusetts, USA

Yes, round to the nearest second for now.

Game stats
Recent runs
Level: Hoth: Echo Base
Level: Kamino: Tipoca City
Level: Aggressive Negotiations
Level: Rebellion on Theed
Level: The Battle of Naboo