tråd: Rec Room
United StatessYn3 years ago

Heads up mods, @AdoptionPapers submitted a run and tagged me in it - I have no part of it. I have never run a game with this user nor do I even know what this game is or why the submission happened.

I am not sure if it's spam but would suggest against reviewing it and not click any link; I am deleting the submission.

Act_ tycker om detta
United StatessYn3 years ago

Yes, this happens in 1.03 as well. CutterCross mentioned it's a known issue. I noticed getting health sometimes causes it to happen more frequently (either an existing health in the room or a drop from an enemy).

There's a few other bugs - like don't downstab the first phase of final boss projectile as it will hard lock the game. Also hud issues where it could appear you have more health than you actually do.

United StatessYn3 years ago

@MeatBaller I just checked and see if you watch Neural's Youtube video at source (720/60) and move frame by frame, the trapeze does not disappear on the same frame as touching the platform. See here: https://imgur.com/a/7m5ZhyT

If you watch a video that is 30FPS and/or interlaced you will then be missing a frame and see the behavior you describe.

So I may suggest to confer with the other mods and ensure the videos are being timed in the same manner according to rules but also see if the start time, going forward, should be changed if there is difficulty determining first frame on pressing start.

NeGAtiv4k och stealThunder gillar detta
United StatessYn4 years ago

I think that's a good idea about the variable.

Most of the mouse games I've played had this "Controller Type" including the type of mouse (i.e. SNES Controller, Hyperkin Mouse, SNES Mouse) since the Hyperkin (laser) mouse does give a speed advantage at its highest setting.

United StatessYn4 years ago

Not everyone may realize this, but there are general site rules:


Not every rule is going to be explicitly defined as indicated in the general rules above. So you're OK in asking but your game was modified, and therefore even the general rule stated in the site rules was broken.

Razorflame tycker om detta
United StatessYn4 years ago

Reach out to the runner to see if they have a video somewhere and see how they want to handle it. The one run I see without video proof was 5 years ago, probably at the start of these boards and got grandfathered in. But at this point all runs should have video proof.

United StatessYn4 years ago

I wish SRC had a way to use ms for breaking ties but not open it up for all submissions. Because if they did, I would at least say specify the ms for the tied WR that exists right now. You could use it just for those two runs but then would have to state do not include ms for submissions (or remove them).

Razorflame och NeGAtiv4k gillar detta
tråd: Pieces
United StatessYn4 years ago

Furthermore, you may want to add a variable for the type of mouse in the mouse category (Hyperkin/Laser) vs. (Original/Ball Mouse) as that could also create differences in performance.

You can see an example below for another mouse game (although mods here just used variable for everything to distinguish controller type):


tråd: Pieces
United StatessYn4 years ago

Thanks for recent moderation/verification.

Just wanted to offer a suggestion for Categories (since SRC moderation rules discourage use of % for things besides Any%, Low% and 100%).

Perhaps have "Easy-Hard (Any% - Mouse)" and "Easy-Hard (Any% - Controller)

Or just "Easy-Hard (Controller)" and "Easy-Hard (Mouse)" since Any% isn't required.

United StatessYn4 years ago

I don't know specifics as to why that enemy doesn't despawn, I just know if you approach from the right side you have a better chance of despawning the enemy then if you approach from the left. And regardless of which side is faster, that despawn is crucial hence why you'll see runners going right side.

United StatessYn4 years ago

The last jumps are very tight; I think you have 2 pixels to work with so expect to miss there sometimes.

As for Ligar, it’s OK to farm more tone/kill more enemies to ensure you can kill him/finish runs. As you improve you can dial back the Tone/farming. Keep in mind Ligar is hard - hence why attack/assail is abused as much as possible.

I think it takes around 35 seconds from farming to walk and kill Ligar so you can gauge when it’s go time that even has a chance of PB

United StatessYn4 years ago

When it comes to farming stars (for the easier Ligar fight):

  • Farm till you get 7 stars
  • Wait for a 3 star drop, leave it on screen
  • Cast attack and assail
  • Pick up the 3 pack drop you left on screen (you use one hit of the attack/assail)

At this point you head to the Ligar fight. You'll have 9 attack/assail to start, and 5 mind points still in your inventory. So you can cast attack/assail again after the 9 hits giving you a total of 19 attack/assail hits.

United StatessYn4 years ago

I thought by wall clip you meant the one where you zip through the wall in the second screen. You just have to repeat the same jumps in the second screen (you can use Whitehat's run for reference).

As for the Eruga wrong warp, the tutorial WhiteHat made goes over his positioning.

United StatessYn4 years ago

For the wall clip it's two parts:

  • First, make the same starting jumps, plus an additional jump when you hit the ground.
  • Then when Rygar's face touches the rope you jump to the wall.

What you see in Rolsa is called "air walk". There are some videos/notes about that on Tasvideos but essentially you prioritize holding down but release it briefly to hit the left/right direction. Repeat this rhythm to get across but the moment you let go of down for too long you will fall.

RNGStreams och CritRocket gillar detta
United StatessYn4 years ago

That can happen in the NES version as well; I believe it's already known if you can time your toss.

Actually, this happened recently to @ShesChardcore and there's a clip: https://www.twitch.tv/sheschardcore/clip/PerfectFaintCrowPeoplesChamp

United StatessYn4 years ago

As a misc. category, maybe? I did give it a try and with some quick guesses is about 30-40 seconds. The bonus is there is no subway to deal with. So giving an honest look at this category, it could be exciting. But probably not a main category...

Jrmhd91 tycker om detta
United StatessYn4 years ago

@garadas21 The run is already on the leaderboard, it was verified. The problem is the time it was verified as is likely wrong - take a look at KevinSanchez2019's submission who is currently 2nd place on the leaderboard. This is what Legendary_Eric was trying to explain.

United StatessYn4 years ago

@garadas21 The thread is referring to KevinSanchez2019 time; it may be inaccurate?

United StatessYn4 years ago

There can be a compromise similar to the SMW 11 Exit board where a variable can be added for ladder-glitch or no ladder-glitch. It keeps the board neater and allows users to filter to see who has the top time for each variable. Just a suggestion but I'm fine with the way things are now, too.

Pear och cheekychunk gillar detta
United StatessYn4 years ago

Here is the link to the Twitch VOD for the AndrewG tutorial:

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