Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

Muxu: other places have gang member spawns, and they attack you.

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

Ractrot, is the cop running around the CP van a result of the clothes glitch? AKA do you become immune to getting arrested? If so, it seems to make sense to get to a narrow road ASAP where you can get more deals, and only use the clothes glitch to avoid 3 star wanted levels, since then cops start ramming you with their cars. EDIT: I tried turning right at the police station, but there are too many gang spawns there. It still seems to make sense to make a beeline for the docks though, that wide main streets seems really slow for getting deals. EDIT2: ah, cops ram you with 2 stars already. Still, this will save a ton of time on CP. Also, when would be a good time to pick up the clothes? From what I see, the only time you're near the Laundromat is going from SSA to Printworks.

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

Then testing is in order. I believe (don't know for sure) that the taxis in Taxi 2 always spawn in the same spot, but then take random routes. It will probably turn into one of those "better than average but slower than god RNG" situations anyway :D for reference: http://www.twitch.tv/m00nchile85/c/4266047

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

well, let's get on it


finally got rid of that annoying 85 I have on my Twatch ( Kappa ) account

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Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

I'm listening to silence on any Twitch VOD Kappa

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

This is definitely promising, but probably not at this particular spot, as this warp doesn't save nearly as much time as the CC skip. I wonder if there's another safehouse near a mission marker, time to hit the maps.

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

You're missing a Kappa army

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

Nice menno, I only stopped glitch buying after printworks, nice to see another couple of seconds saved

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Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago



Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

I dunno Fil, 2 days of VC running kinda killed my spirit already. Will give it a few more tries, but I might stream some non GTA related stuff too.

NP Guy, I really like the tutorial, just wanted to post my 2c.

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

A few quick tips, if you take a sports car you're commited, you're not switching untill dropping off the VIP, and you are going to the cafe after airport, even if you find another car at the airport. It's faster to not switch with the VIP in your car, even if you're using the cab. Next, don't push cars during a call if you have a car waiting, use that time to spawn another car. Driving to the cafe after a call is over is OK, as long as the call isn't the Sonny call, in that case, keep despawning cars infront of SSA till you get a car or get the long Lance call, use that to run to the cafe. At the cafe, the only option is Idaho or Stallion, any other car can be gotten in front of SSA much faster. Some general advice, don't cancel calls, it's an automatic +20 seconds, unless in a few specific cases, like cancelling the long Lance call when you get a car in front of SSA but you're still missing a bridge or cafe car, or when you have 2 cars on the road, as Guy called it "Stacking". Also, keep despawning as long as you can, when you get into a car, keep facing backwards and despawn until the camera locks into the driving position.

Good tutorial Guy, SSA can be a pain to get right and even then it can mess you up.

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

The grind is real Kreygasm Ractrot is cleaning house. Looks like Fil got some competition for killing VC any% and looks like I have to find a new game to run Kappa

Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

Was practicing this and started getting it consistently, then starting failing it again :D gotta practice it more till I use it in a run, but nice find, and GG on the PB Ricecooker, Kreygasm man

tråd: Talk
Sloveniam00nchile9 years ago

Big surprise incoming Kappa

Divine wings of Tragedy by Symphony X is an amazing album too

Sloveniam00nchile10 years ago

Yea, at the end, autosplitter splits right when you lose control of Tommy, just checked it. Like I said, I'll just add 0,5s to my WSplit time when I submit runs, the 1:28:16,99 was submitted as a 1:28:17 so autosplitter didn't cheat for me anyways :D

Sloveniam00nchile10 years ago

Well, to get back on topic, Gael found the autosplitter starts the timer 14 frames late, so almost half a second. So I'll just submit my times according to that, if it's xx:50 or less, it's xx, over that will be submitted as xx+1.

Sloveniam00nchile10 years ago

No fil, it started late, not early :D It's still a 1:27:27 though.

Sloveniam00nchile10 years ago

Agreed S, the main advantage of this site compared to SDA were the separate forums.

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