Timing Method for 3DO Runs
3 years ago

I noticed a couple of runners cut off their video before showing IGT of their final race.

This is probably not a huge deal as this can be timed manually, but I thought that was worth mentioning.

JankedJesus tycker om detta

@k-Patch: Sorry, but thats the best compromise I could come up with. Keeping the main part that seperates skill (races) competitive while still supporting the speedrun idea (with those restrictions).

@Moorea: I only saw Bunny666Hunters run that didn't have it, but I don't know how you can precisely time it. IGT seems to only correlate with real time on PC version and I don't want to post guessed times here. IGT will probably be left blank and he will need to improve it.

About the Career mode you would probably want to restart if you get busted or fail since it will mess up your whole route or mean a huge time loss. But there is no current neccessity to think about it, no one has done a run yet. :P

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
JankedJesus tycker om detta

Zero's run is also missing it.

Zero169 och Molotok gillar detta

Hmm, true. His stream doesn't have it either.. but he can also improve it I guess. x)

Zero169 tycker om detta

"Please correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't 'navigating the menus' simply consist of simple button spamming?" - kyletx500.

"What did I do? Well I messed that up somehow. God, that's more of a sign more than anything when you mess up the menuing. Literally X-spam." - kyletx500 stream

Looks like Flintstone Bedrock Bowling runs will be getting a request to change to IGT too...

Portland, OR, USA

@k-Patch How much of my VODs did you have to watch through to find that one? You're cracking me up! Sure, I messed up and accidentally held the analog stick while spamming through the menus once in hours upon hours of attempts on a different game entirely; I don't see how that's relevant. I never said it took no skill, just not much, and I'd never submit a run with bad menuing anyway.

Like @Molotok said, the point to switching to IGT is to keep "main part that seperates skill (races) competitive" and to maintain the integrity of the leaderboard. So I'm sorry if I've somehow offended you by bringing this issue up, but it seems like the majority of the community is in favor of the change.


Wasn't hard to find at all; that's your most recent Twitch stream! Surely that wasn't your first time messing up a speedrun under pressure doing the mundane parts of it? I've also done it, and I imagine pretty much everyone else here has as well. That's part of speedrunning...or at least, it used to be.

Yes, I was a fan, until you decided to use your clout to redefine game speedrunning as a series of individual runs to suit your own personal needs.

But I'm not bitter.

Portland, OR, USA

@k-Patch If I suggested this change solely to suit my "own personal needs" and had no other reasoning to back it up, the mods and other runners would've called me out on my nonsense. Instead, we as a community have agreed that load times are a significant issue and we're doing what we can to fix it. I don't care about what place I have on a leaderboard, just that my performance is accurately measured against the other runners. You still have to run all races in a single attempt, the only difference now is that the timing is more reflective of in-game skill.

Also I'm a hobbyist streamer and speedrunner; I have no "clout" to speak of. I don't know @Molotok or @Sk1pBaSe personally nor have I ever DM'ed them before. I simply presented my case and allowed them to make their decision.

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago

My apologies to @kyletx500 for my recent posts and their insinuations, which I will leave stand as a permanent record of my immaturity. Regardless of my opinions on the purity of speedrunning, it was wrong of me to make things personal, to make him and others here feel uncomfortable, and to interfere with the primary objective of this site: having fun.

The community has spoken, and I have had my say, so this is truly my final post on the subject.

I hope the changes will serve to increase the popularity of Road Rash, and I hope those people will also start to run the level runs. 10+ minute world records are unacceptable...

Molotok tycker om detta
Texas, USA

I never saw it as a personal, heated sure, never personal. At least in my opinon. And i for one think that this topic has brought up alot of valid points. So, for instance, I will start including my IGT on my runs. I think there is no harm in doing so. As well as my RT. I know i just joined this community fairly recently but i look forward to it very much! And the discord between runners and opinons as well.

JankedJesus tycker om detta
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