Fast stompless practice tip
Fast stompless practice tip
Uppdaterad 4 years ago av GreeZ

What is "fast stompless" ? This tip aims to help the players who are trying to practice fast stompless. If you don't know what fast stompless is I recommend watching this tutorial from sigmasin.

What is it all about ? Because of how fast stompless works there is no way to practice the angle of the bash, without doing a part of the movement towards the ability cell. The idea is to use the "advanced debug menu" to manually unload the cliff that prevents the shot from hitting the rocks above Kuro's head.

We're going to use the "advanced debug menu". To use it, you need to have the proper "debug menu" enabled. To enable it you can use this tool made by JHobz.

Here are the steps:

  • Load a save at the fast stompless spot. Make sure to stand around the spot where you bash the shot. If you are standing too far left you will stand in the scene we are trying to unload.
  • Open the advanced debug menu by hitting 8 and shift (R2/RT and R3 on controller).
  • In the list, uncheck "sorrowPassValleyD".


Note: Unchecking the wrong item in the advanced debug menu might break your game, if anything stops working, just hit alt+f4 to force close your game