When does a game qualify to recieve a Leaderboard?

I am wondering what a game would need, to be able to go through Leaderboard verfication? Can everyone create a game and a Website for it and then submit the game? I already saw many Free/Fan games that dont have their own website, only a forum thread and downloadlink on a random website, so a forum post about it is enough to qualify? I am just wondering.

New Jersey, USA

Also, I have been told that it is taken into account how likely a game is to be competitive. This was during a discussion about an EA baseball game, if that serves as any indication. I don't actually know the specifics of how games are accepted, or of "competitiveness" as a stipulation.

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago
TheGreatToddman tycker om detta
United States

Most console releases and Steam games are accepted. Flash and freeware have a really gray line. Competitiveness isn't really a direct criteria. Basically "merits of the game" is a better way to think about it. "Is this flash/freeware/fangame game so bad it just clutters the games list and the search bar?" is my loose description of the criteria. I really need to write up something more formal.

unkownspeedrunner tycker om detta