Load Time Adjustments For Full Game Runs
Load Time Adjustments For Full Game Runs
Uppdaterad 1 year ago av aleckermit

Because there are so many ways to run this game (four different consoles and various unofficial ways, all with varying load times) and because accessibility and fairness should be top priority, full-game runs will have their final real-time adjusted so that their load times are on par with those seen on a black Wii with an official game disc (the fastest official method of loading the game), removing any loading times advantages/disadvantages. This allows players on both consoles and emulators to compete on even ground. A submitted full-game run played on:

Wii (2008 model, identified by black console or late serial #) won't receive a time deduction.

Dolphin Emulator will receive -12 seconds to its final time.

Gamecube/Wii (early serial #) will receive -7 seconds to its final time.

When you submit you run, write whether you played on black Wii, Wii, Gamecube, or Dolphin and the appropriate deduction will be applied to your leaderboard time.

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