Is it too late to start trying to speedrun?
8 years ago
Texas, USA

I'm kinda new to the SMS community and I was wondering, is it too late to try to speedrun? Most of the glitches have already been discovered and the only way to have a chance at beating the WR is to have perfect RNG. Any thoughts?

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

It´s never to late , but WR is still impossible if you are not very good like other guys. Try your Best and maybe you get a good Time. :)

Montra нравится это
Texas, USA

Thanks, I'll be running this game then :3

Milk нравится это
United States

There is no deadline. If you try hard enough and stay dedicated, you can get WR in almost anything. Optimized games will take more practice and patience, but you can definitely do it.

Aroymart, Milk и 3 другие нравится это
Ontario, Canada

Never too late, in fact it's easier now than it was years ago, we have entire websites dedicated to speedrunning, guides, video guides, in-depth analysis of tricks, etc. A lot of people think it's insanely hard to get into an old game because the top players would have been running the game for over 10 years now, but that's totally wrong. Take melee for example, game has been out for almost 14 years, players have played that long, no way people can get to the top players level right? Wrong. In fact with all the knowledge we have and all the information put into one good website (smashboards) you could literally get to Ken's level of play in 2007, his prime, in about a week if you really practice, grind out tech skill, and learn matchups. Same can be said about any game, so no it's never too late to learn a new speedrun d=^).

Weegee, Milk и 3 другие нравится это

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