easy object boosts
5 years ago

when i started running the game about 2 years ago, i decided to run scripted cause im a lazy fuck, and figured out that if i dont need to scroll, i can bind something to my scroll wheel, i played around with flashlight and duck cause it seemed fun to spam, then i tried +use, forgot about it, and kept running the game, turns out that having +use on your scroll wheel makes it extremely easy to object boost, and control the speed of your boost with just a little practise... so yeah... does anyone else use it or is it like a known thing and im just retarded cause i did 3 seconds of research and found nothing about using scroll for obbo

losi нравится это

First time I've heard about using the scroll wheel bound to "+use" to object boost actually really interesting. I'm guessing it works because you hitting the object multiple times as it is gaining speed which might be easier then hitting the perfect frame timing the normal way.

When i first started running HL i used a double "+use" tap method but still bound to "E" to object boost for over a year. Because i didnt know how to object boost properly and could never get it to work the normal way and i was just too lazy learning and i already had a good PB at the time even though i was very inconsistent at obbo still.

The double tap was very inconsistent as you need to hit the object two times to get the speed (which is why the scroll would make it easier) I cant believe i never thought of that actually. Probably because i always ran with my scroll bound to "+jump/+duck". But you can just use multiple keybinds to remap ur binds for the trick while you're in a run (I do this for AM jumpbug for example).

I decided to learn the glitch the proper way at the beginning of 2017 and i was surprised how easy it was to learn after i started understanding the basics of why and how the glitch works.

Here are two videos of the day i learned the proper way you can see what i did wrong at the first one then how easy it looks on the second.

Final video explaining everything i learned if you feel you want to learn it:


would something like this be allowed in scriptless so that you can boost by holding mouse3 and scrolling? alias +obbo "bind mwheeldown +use" alias -obbo "bind mwheeldown +jump" bind mouse3 obbo

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