Request categories here!
9 years ago
Derbyshire, England

Since there is not currently a 'Request category' feature on the site, you may request them here for the time being.

Currently categories are defined by several factors, which are:

¤ Segments - SS vs RTA, in GMC's case SS currently means no saveglitches are allowed, RTA means they are.

¤ Version - WON vs Steam, similar to HL2's 'Old Engine' vs 'New Engine' concept, both versions contain many differences and therefore are categorically separated, note that this is more to do with the client and server DLL files (client.dll and hl.dll), not the client that the game runs on itself since those are often adjustable to match the versions' capabilities.

¤ Difficulty - Easy vs Hard, unfortunately there is not much difference between difficulties in Half-life, only through the amount of damage dealt by NPCs, how much health they have and how much medkits/batteries/chargers provide. This means that difficulty is often down to personal preference or tradition, but is categorically separated due to the minor time difference (on Hard you'll spend more time killing enemies and collecting health/armor, on Easy you'll perform more damage boosts/other riskier strats).

The current necessary requirements for requesting categories are:

  • There must be an interesting difference compared to the already established category/s' routes.
  • There must be more than one player running it.

There of course will be other factors that will be taken into account when deciding whether the category should be created, but these will vary depending on each one and will often be discussed between moderators/established community members.

There is a 'misc' section for arbitrary or 'joke' categories which will generally be added if there are a good number of players running them.

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