Support for Proofvideos?
6 years ago

Since YouTube causing several problems in the last time (and my channel hosting several Proofvideos and upcoming could get affected soon), i would ask if already have a support for the Website or if this could get added. I am not sure if the "Proof"-Field supports any kind of link and i also don't want to disturb Moderators of Games with trying that out. An "Embed" like on YT or Twitch VOD would be nice, but is not required if that takes to much effort.


You can submit anything into the video section and it'll accept it, should be fine as long as the moderators say it's okay, I wouldn't see why they'd disallow using though so yeah

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Like already sayed: Embed was just an idea, but if i can simply add the link through, it's probably the best i can do since YouTube randomly strikes and ADL-Purges Videos.
