Charging times in between fights
7 years ago

I know this speedrun game is kinda dead but I wanted to do a little update on my speedrunnin experience. The guy who own the actual world record "Hdot12" got 9 second something of charging time in between fights while I got 12 second. We do own the same version and got the same emulator. I don't know where it's comming from but I doubt this guy isnt using some kind of speed up during charging time which make his time nonsense. You can just check out how different the times between him and the other guys are. There is 8 basic charging time which make him loose only 72 seconds, while people and in particulary me loose 108 second which does make a difference of 36 seconds on a same run. How do we fix that?


Edit: I've also checked out on others people run and it seems like they all have different kind of charging time for no particular reason. It's not a question about which digimon and which map you have to be charging also.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Hey percy7!

I can understand your concerns because of loading times, so I'd like to get them out of the way in a friendly manner. First of all I timed the transition between two fights in my run and you were pretty right, the loading screen takes approximately 9 seconds until the next fight begins. (When "Rumble" appears on the screen)

However I did so aswell with the runs of KHeartz and Azure, and their screens were also loading for those 9 seconds. Since they used the actual PS2 console, I guess 9 seconds for the loading time should be somewhat accurate. My fps were locked to 60 (NTSC) aswell.

Sorry if I ask but are you sure you tried everything at the video config of your emulator to fix this? If you'd be able to get the 9 second loading time aswell, that would be the best I guess. Of course there might be many reasons why different loading times occur, however as I mentioned the 9 seconds of mine should be alright if runs on actual console get the same loading time.

percy7 нравится это

Hey Dot, Didn't wanted to accuse you of anything tbh. That's why I corrected myself afterward by telling out that other people had other loading time. I run mine on epsXe emulator and I didn't though that could have any impact. I don't have any kind of lags or soemthing. Would u mind telling me your configuration? And also how do you save so the game doesn't make you start from the beggining every time you quit. Thanks alot and hope this is clearer

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

It's all good! I wasn't offended by your post or anything :)

I use the P.E.O.P.S. Soft Driver 1.17 as my video plugin. (not the best choice I think, but it works good for me.) For the details of my config just see this screenshot: This plugin is easy to use and made for compatibility mostly and not for lots of eyecandy, so you might get it working with that one quickly.

If not than I guess that you have to try different plugins or settings. Emulators can work very differently on various machines, so you might need to experiment until you find a setup which works well with your system. I can't go more into detail, because I'm no expert in those fields, but I hope I was able to help and you find a good configuration for your emulator.

Saving is quite easy. You just need to select a working memory card under config > memory cards Memory card files should be somewhere in your emulators folder. Then to save the game just go to the options menu of Rumble Arena and you should find a save option there. (Also turn auto save on or off.)


Alright great! I figured out my emulator had particular loading screen problems. i finally configured another one which is now making my load time to normal. Are you still running the game yourself? It's been 1 day since i'm trying to beat out your score: its really hard, specially on the air map which im constantly failing to finish properly myself.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Cool! Good luck on getting good times! :)

Right now I do not run the game, because I don't feel the need to and also my hard is already quite hard to beat. However I'd love to pick the game up again, once you break my record! ;)

Yeah, the air stage is a real pain because the AI can espace easily and it's hard to trap them into your combo. Also the rotating stage isn't too pleasant because this is where RNG plays in important role.

Good luck on your runs, I hope I can watch your first pb soon. :D


Sorry for the late response :) Great, I would really like to beat it but i'm gonna mix out between a pokemon run and this one

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