Ndt's Exit Warp Strategy (Campaign)
Ndt's Exit Warp Strategy (Campaign)
Обновлено 1 year ago от Ndt

#Exit Warping Exit Warp Timestamps: Exit Warp #1 (Black Ops): 0:21 Exit Warp #2 (In Darkness): 1:02 Exit Warp #3 (In Darkness): 1:58 Exit Warp #4 (Hypocenter): 2:51 Exit Warp #5 (Hypocenter): 3:46 Exit Warp #6 (Rise & Fall): 4:48 Exit Warp #7 (Sand Castle): 5:39 Exit Warp #8 (Lotus Towers): 6:51 Exit Warp #9 (Lotus Towers): 7:39 Exit Warp #10 (Lotus Towers): 8:14 Exit Warp #11 (Lotus Towers): 8:44 Exit Warp #12 (Lotus Towers): 11:04

What is an Exit Warp? Exit Warping is a strategy in the BO3 campaign where you can go to the main menu when a save point has been created by the game and resume story. This causes you and/or the AIs (Hendricks, Kane, etc.) to warp forward in time where the save point has been created. This in return will save time and dodge softlocks.

How to Exit Warp? To Exit Warp you need to pause the game then quit to the main menu on certain save points of the game. After you are back in the main menu press resume story. Not all save points will save time so there are only about 12 known exit warps.

How do Exit Warps work? A save point is a checkpoint that saves your game when you reach it. When a save point is activated, BO3 will send data to your savegame file. The data will only contain four things; the current mission, the scoreboard, the class(es) being used, and the checkpoint name. The game will not attempt to save your position, entity positions (Hendricks, enemies, etc.), or entities that are alive. Because of this, the game will need to set you and Hendricks's position, entities that are alive, etc. This is done by checking the checkpoint name. Each checkpoint has a piece of a script that runs and will place you, Hendricks, and other entities to a certain spot every time you resume the story. For example, let's say you quit game on the "gen_lab" checkpoint. When you resume story, the game will read that you are on "gen_lab" and will always place you and Hendricks on the outside of the gen lab everytime you resume story. This mechanic can be manipulated in speedrunning favor. That very same gen_lab checkpoint also is an exit warp. The checkpoint right before that is actually just rushing straight to the gen_lab checkpoint. Since Hendricks is much slower than you, you will always end up making it to that checkpoint way before him. So when you exit and resume story, it will place Hendricks right outside the gen lab way before the time he would actually reach it without doing that. So in a way, it's like warping forward in time. Since that part is very AI dependent, it mostly matters about Hendricks reaching the end and not as much as you. This is how most of the exit warps work.

Exit Warp Count: TOTAL: 12 Black Ops: 1 New World: 0 In Darkness: 2 Provocation: 0 Hypocenter: 2 Vengeance: 0 Rise & Fall: 1 Demon Within: 0 Sand Castle: 1 Lotus Towers: 5 Life: 0

Setting up Exit Warps on NG+: Solo PC Users: Download the save file in the resources and begin the run by hitting resume story (then restart mission, timer starts when the text scrolls) Everyone Else: Follow the steps in the video. You'll need to UI stack the deploy screen in the safehouse than set the mission to Black Ops. If you're savegame is in the safehouse, you'll get no deploy screen. So if it is, just hit resume story and start the mission, then you can follow the steps.

Setting up Exit Warps on Any Map (For Practice): If you want to practice exit warps on a map like Lotus Towers or something like that, follow this guide. You'll need to UI stack the deploy screen in the safehouse than set the mission to whatever you want. If you're savegame is in the safehouse, you'll get no deploy screen. So if it is, just hit resume story and start the mission, then you can follow the steps. If you're on steam, you could get the CP Platinum Menu in the resources which has an exit warp practicing mode on it.

What is the savegame? The savegame is the current checkpoint that the "resume story" button will take you to. It's the last checkpoint where you left off before quitting. This will matter A LOT if you are planning on doing an NG+ run with exit warps (NG won't matter because everytime you reset your campaign, the savegame is set back to Black Ops). So if the savegame isn't set to Black Ops, exit warps won't work because you aren't actually using the savegame. You can check where your savegame is by hitting resume story. If it is on Black Ops, you can begin your run by hitting restart mission. If it is anywhere else, you need to finish the entire campaign (when you complete Life, it will go back to Black Ops).

#Death Warping (forgot to update the intro but there are now 12 death warps and it's the new META) Death Warp Timestamps: Death Warp #1 (Black Ops): 0:24 Death Warp #2 (Black Ops): 1:26 Death Warp #3 (In Darkness): 2:03 Death Warp #4 (In Darkness): 3:03 Death Warp #5 (Hypocenter): 3:57 Death Warp #6 (Hypocenter): 5:11 Death Warp #7 (Rise & Fall): 5:48 Death Warp #8 (Lotus Towers): 6:33 Death Warp #9 (Lotus Towers): 7:14 Death Warp #10 (Lotus Towers): 8:18 Death Warp #11 (Lotus Towers): 9:08 Death Warp #12 (Lotus Towers): 11:13

What is a Death Warp? Death Warping is the alternative to Exit Warping. It's a quicker (but riskier) way of warping in the BO3 campaign where you die right after collecting certain checkpoints and it warps you forward in time (a few exit warps are faster then the death warps). This causes you and/or the AIs (Hendricks, Kane, etc.) to warp forward in time as well as despawning rooms of enemies. The main Death Warping rule is that you need to prevent any close checkpoints from being created (so that you don't die and you reach those checkpoints). Checkpoint creation will get cancelled if you are damaged and/or holding an offhand weapon as you are "collecting" the checkpoint. Death warping acts as an Exit Warp because it is setting up the map again because you died too quickly after getting a checkpoint and you had full health. A positive side that death warping has is that they can be done with or without setting the savegame to your run and you don't have to exit or resume story at all. Since death warping is allowed on ILs (still banned on glitchless) but not exit warping, this is the alternative that you use on ILs. Just a note, not every exit warp can be used as a death warp instead. However, every death warp can be used as an exit warp.

What if you mess up a Death Warp in a full-game run? If you attempt a Death Warp and it fails just Exit Warp instead. It will still work even if you fully die and respawn to the checkpoint before that because the game stores the latest checkpoint you were ever at the entire mission which includes the Death Warp checkpoint before it failed. So basically the back-up strategy is to Death Warp and if it fails after you respawn just Exit Warp and then it will fix it for you.

How can the warps be optimized the most? https://i.imgur.com/5bhpxYv.png Although death warps are faster than exit warps most of the time, they still take longer to setup and it could be a waste of time setting some of them up which makes exit warping faster on some parts. For example, Death Warp #10 (Lotus Towers) takes way too long to setup because you have to hold a grenade the entire time. Although it is still faster than warpless, Death Warp #10 is still worse than Exit Warp #10 without loads. Not only that, but certain death warps do not exist on parts where you can exit warp, such as Exit Warp #5 on Hypocenter (the game softlocks if you do death warp on that part, so Death Warp #6 takes place on the cutscene before Exit Warp #5) and Exit Warp #7 on Sand Castle (death warping does not work at all on this part). After discovering that death warping can be faster than exit warping on most parts of the game, it can now be optimized by splitting the exit warps and death warps into a run. If you aren't good at setting up death warps at all, I'd just stick with exit warps on full-game. However, if you are good at setting up death warps, you can use the order of warps for the best possible time saves without loads on full-game.

Order of Warps:

  • Death Warp #1 (Black Ops)
  • Death Warp #2 (Black Ops)
  • Death Warp #3 (In Darkness)
  • Death Warp #4 (In Darkness)
  • Death Warp #5 (Hypocenter)
  • Exit Warp #5 (Hypocenter)
  • Death Warp #7 (Rise & Fall)
  • Exit Warp #7 (Sand Castle)
  • Death Warp #8 (Lotus Towers)
  • Death Warp #9 (Lotus Towers)
  • Exit Warp #10 (Lotus Towers)
  • Death Warp #11 (Lotus Towers)
  • Death Warp #12 (Lotus Towers)

#Realistic Warping Realistic Warp Timestamps: Death Warp R1 (New World): 0:09 Exit Warp R1 (New World): 0:55 Death Warp R2 (In Darkness): 1:21 Death Warp R3 (Provocation): 1:52

What are the realistic warps? The realistic warps are a list of Death Warps and Exit Warps that are used on realistic speedruns. These warps can be used on any difficulty yet they are only used in realistic difficulty. The reason for this is because these warps despawn rooms of enemies that you can skip at anytime. The problem is, these rooms will almost guarantee death if you try to skip it on realistic because your invisibility will run out. So instead, you can use these death warps and exit warps on the last checkpoint of these rooms which will clear out the rooms for you and let you go as fast as you want without dying. Since one shot kills you on realistic difficulty, they are saving time by despawning a large amount of enemies but these warps will waste time if attempted on the normal full game runs.

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