Freestyle Timing
8 years ago
St. Louis, MO, USA

So I have begun to strat the Freestyle runs, and my question is about the in-game timing calculation. Because all of the freestyle objectives have a count down, I assume that I have to subtract the total given time from the time left after the objective, but I am unsure when the end time should be calculated. It is important to note that the time continues to count down even after the objective is hit, and there is a short period between the objective being hit, and the game returning you to the objective selection screen. My question is should end time be calculated when the objective is is achieved, or should it be the moment when the game returns you to the objective screen? I honestly would go for when the objective is hit, because the stunt score objective will not boot you back to the objective selection screen after you have hit 50,000 points.

I also apologize for the long technicality question haha.

Arkansas, USA

I agree with timing ending after the goal is met, therefore skill would matter instead of just having to add 2 minutes (or however long it is, I don't remember but I'm gonna get back into this game soon) just because the game won't let it end. But if you're doing one of the freestyle championships and you fail one you would have to add the time for the entire thing.

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