7 years ago
Devon, England


Touval curtiram isso
Bristol, England

I'm no rocket scientist but I'd assume, Touval being Touval, didn't highlight his most recent pb so they used his best video they could find.

United States

I'm pretty sure that his time has been listed as 1:29:17 since the docs and if it wasn't there on the docs it was before the rule about requiring PB videos for top 10 times

Wisconsin, USA

So what you're saying is the run on the board has no proof.

f1, YW1, e m13 curtiu isso
Bristol, England

Pretty much

YW1 e Kollin7 curtiu isso
Colorado, USA

Touval is a trusted user. I wasn't around for the 1:29:17, but I believe it's his pb for sure.

Michigan, USA

I didn't notice this till now, but I've already gone into great detail about this run with the other leaderboard mods. About a week ago I noticed that Touval's 1:29:17 had changed on the boards to match the highlight time of 1:29:39, which had drastically changed his rank on the leaderboard. The time of 1:29:17 has been recorded as Touval's time since before I joined the community, over 2 1/2 years ago. It was accepted long before the rule change for evidence and is grandfathered in. There is no other leaderboard entry on Spyro 1 grandfathered in such a way. I could see the issue if multiple top-ranking times didn't have complete proof because we'd have an insubstantial leaderboard. In order to clear some confusion, last week I added a screenshot of Touval's splits and moved the VOD out of the video link and into the description.

Hummeldon curtiram isso
Ohio, USA

I have a feeling he will be beating it soon. If that helps at all ;)

Jumpyluff curtiram isso
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