Getting info
6 years ago
Alberta, Canada

Hey! im planning on speedrunning this game and getting really good times eventually. i just have a few questions. Which world record is harder, normal mode any% or hard mode any%? also, which boss is hardest to get an optimized time in normal mode? what about hard mode? lastly, why is there only one ps2 run on the leaderboards?

Ohio, USA

I would say Hard Any% is harder but it really depends on the speed runner. Different people have different capabilities but in my opinion I would say Hard Any%. I would say in my opinion Cenobia (the fourteenth colossus) is the hardest to get an optimized time on unless you use the Kaze Jump since tower skip isn't very consistent. I would say Cenobia for Hard Mode as well.

GoodleShoes curtiram isso
Alberta, Canada

thanks for the reply, do you know which is more competitive hard any% or normal?

Ohio, USA

Taking the leaderboards into consideration I would say Normal Any% since the leaderboard has more people.

Alberta, Canada

aside from tower skip, are there any other strats that are inconsistent and require luck to work?

Ohio, USA

Maybe Gaius. The sword jump is a very hard jump and requires some luck along with practice.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Alberta, Canada

got it thanks. im totally new to the speedrun but ive done all the normal and hard time attacks, but it still boggles my mind how fast some of these times are. did the normal rta WR get tower skip or sword jump? id check myself but i dont think id recognize it since im new...

Ohio, USA

Yes, the world record holder is currently Shirapon. He's very talented at the game.

Alberta, Canada

when the ps4 remake comes out will everyone start running ps4 instead of ps3?

Ohio, USA

It depends on whether there are faster skips in the remake or not.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Alberta, Canada

im wondering though, do you think the ps4 version will make it easier for wander to grab things like in the ps2 version or will that mechanic be simular to ps3?

Ohio, USA

We won't know until next year but I would hope it's based on the original PS2 version.

Alberta, Canada

how come people run ps3 instead of ps2? faster loads?

California, USA

More stable Frame Rate and no Cenobia Glitches. but TBH the ps3 and ps4 will have Separate categories since they will technically be different games

Alberta, Canada

thanks for the info! Two questions: why would ps3 and ps4 versions be considered different games? And do you think the ps4 will make wander stumble around while grabbing like the ps3 version or do you think they will make grabbing onto things easier like in the ps2 version so #3 and #15 arent hell.

California, USA

Ps4 might be considered a new Catagory as it is a Remake, not a remaster and it may have additional content/Dlc

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