Question regarding the controls...
6 years ago

Wonderful to have you aboard Moe!

I'm sure nobody has a problem with it, but i recommend not chopping it off in case it is needed for other games ;)


Voxgizer curtiram isso
New Mexico, USA

Yeah, don't chop it off. Not the best idea. This game will make you chop half your controller off anyways OpieOP

As for disabling it, I personally do not see a problem with it. If any other mods would like to chip in to this discussion, we can talk about it in further detail

Voxgizer, KittensXO, e BashyCake curtiu isso
United States

Disabling is okay. It's remapping that isn't allowed outside of doorskip categories, so it doesn't fall under that rule. CHOP AWAY PogChamp

Queensland, Australia

WAIT WE CAN DISABLE IT :O Time to play REmaster again PogChamp

Voxgizer e BashyCake curtiu isso
California, USA

Yeah as Roo said, disabling should be fine since the controls aren't remapped to an unfair advantage so you're good to go! Happy chopping!

New South Wales, Australia

Hopefully this will encourage more people to run if this was an obstacle they faced with stair skating :)

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