Why, hello there!
9 years ago

Hey, I'm LifeUpStudios, a newbie to the speedrunning scene, starting off with Towerfall: Ascension, a game I enjoy. I'm slowly trying to improve my game skill there. Anyway, as I said, I'm Life! Some people call me Leif, but, you know, I don't mind what you call me! You'll find my real name is Matt, and I've been gaming for many, many years, honestly.

I'm from England, so, shoutout to all my English speedrunners, I guess xP

I felt like joining this community as I try to get involved with speedrunning in the future!

The funny thing about Towerfall Ascension, is I'd figured it would be a pretty well covered game in speedrunning, and it's not. I've only found one other person, and he seems to have disappeared xP

Anyway, thanks for reading. And, well, hey again!