*Glitch Index + Thesaurus
*Glitch Index + Thesaurus
Atualizado 3 months ago por Dr_Frienderman

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#Glitch Index + Speedrun Thesaurus + Video Capture Terminology
Metal Arms : Glitch in the System
Created 02/14/2019


• Maintained by - DJ0wns, Jsand28, SkittleCrows, Dr_Frienderman, Legendary Robb
• SDA excerpts by - Riveted, Ed58
• Misc Explanations by - Habreno, WizrdCM, notR1CH

::::Note to Moderators::::
Please update "Updated xx/xx/xxxx" date whenever you make updates

Updated Feb/27/2024

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#:::: General Slang Terms ::::
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Non playable character

Reloading your most previous checkpoint, has a number of uses including health, duping, and cs skips

Creating 2 or more of an item from 1

The time it takes between menus to levels, cut-scene transitions, ex.

A bug in the game that causes unintended consequences.

Using intended mechanics to get an unintended result

An endless debate of a word... more or less what the developers thought and or planned to be achievable inside of the game

Tether / Possess
Take control of an enemy bot using the control tether

using a recruiter grenade to get mils on your side, or walking up to a droid for them to join "ile fight for you"

Mid game slowdown, almost always with a drop in frame rate. OG Xbox seems to be effected the least.

Lag Reduction
Controlling your camera in a way to load the least amount of the area possible. In the hopes of making the game run faster and or more smoothly.

Delay / Latency
The time it takes between one source to another, such as your wireless controller inputs to your console, or the console until its displayed on the TV. This can be increased when using different converters / upscalers, and or decreased by altering TV post processing settings, using wired peripherals ex.

Input Delay
The time it takes from the time you press an input until you see the character react on screen

Display Response / Pixel Response / GtG Response Time
Contrary to popular belief this isnt the latency from the console/ source to the tv. It is the time it takes 1 pixel to transition from one color state to another (GtG = Grey to Grey). Lower Response times here reduce ghosting in the image leading to a generally more accurate display.

More prominent on IPS and older TN panel displays. This happens when the TV has a sub par Pixel response time. Leading to the darker parts of a previous frame still being present in the next frame. This causes a "ghosting" or "trailing" effect.

There are various ways to achieve this but its simply causing the game to make an object no longer actively exist

EUK (Equipment Upgrade Kits)
weapon upgrades in metal arms

random number generator (aka anything seemingly random)

real time attack (like a stop watch)

in game time, the time displayed at the end of each level

Tool Assisted Speedrun, often done in emulators these runs use tools such as frame advance, save states, and various others to create runs often impossible to achieve by humans.

IL / IL Strats
individual levels and or strats intended for use in individual level speedruns

Void / Voiding
Falling out of the bottom of the level or into an otherwise endless hole

Personal best, usually in the context of a new best time in a certain catagory.

Strats / Tech
the Strategies and techniques we use to do glitches or generally go faster

CS / CS Skip
cutscene / cutscene skip

Aim Assist
Common in console games it guides your reticle towards enemys. Metal Arms has a built in aim assist option that can be toggled on and off.

a lock that you can recover from in some way, usually by restarting the game or pausing or something.

" A softlock is a game state in which the player cannot proceed to beat the game without resorting to an earlier game state. The player has control over the game and can do things/provide inputs/play the game, but the ending state of beating the game is unachievable without reverting progress backwards some ways. In short, a softlock is usually an unwinnable condition, but one that is not intentional - i.e. not developer-intended unwinnable condition, usually caused by a game bug. "

Turning off your game and back on again puts you right back into the lock. You have to start completely from the beginning.

" A hardlock is incredibly similar to a game crash- similar enough where people often confuse the two. In a hardlock the game itself is still running, as well as the console, however the player has no control and often has to reset in order to reload. The key difference is that the console itself still accepts inputs in a hardlock, so functions such as resetting and powering off still work. In short, a hardlock is a lack of player control similar to a crash, however the console itself still accepts inputs such as resets, power off events, and other game-independent inputs. "

the console is completely unresponsive to input

" A game crash is where the console itself ceases to accept inputs and must be manually power-cycled. The game itself has ceased running in such a manner that it has caused the console itself to lock up. The only way out of a game crash is via a physical power-cycle of the console - pulling the power cord and reinserting it. A game crash need not be caused by a glitch itself - there are developer-intended conditions in which the developers may intentionally cause the game to crash. This is done as it is seen preferable to allowing the game to be running in a degraded or incredibly unintentional state. In short, a game crash locks up the console itself to the point where a manual power cycle is the only way out. "

Screen Tearing
Lack of Vsync can lead to the lines that make up the screen picture becoming misaligned causing a jagged "tear" in the picture. Screen tearing occurs in the xbox and gamecube versions of the game.

questionable ethics

Bork / Borked
broken or something wrong

Bonk / Bonking / Bonked
hitting your head on a jump usually making you miss it and fall

Crazy Legs / Speed
speed artifact pickup

taking alot of damage

Jack the Ripper Droid

The standard base or version of a NPC or character model before it has been animated. Usually but not always standing perfectly still with arms extended to either side.

Slingshot Sucks Sometimes
Sometimes when releasing the slingshot it wont fling your secondary but will instead reset to as if you had never charged it up. Lag seems to play into this but its not fully understood. Sliding your finger off the trigger and letting it return to its default position all at once by the force of the spring can also help negate it.

Capture card, how we capture our game footage

Dead Model
A NPC/Character w/o AI or very basic AI

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#:::: Glitch Index ::::
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Droid Warping
Getting under a droid w/o a weapon (dead model) and using them to force you through walls. Very similar to flood bumping in Halo 1.

Edge Walking
Walking along the outer edge of a map out of bounds. Most notable in Fire It Up and What Research.

Frame Hoping
Doing a single jump every time glitchs feet contact the slope to slowly inch your way up. You can recover if you double jump by accident but the extra downward velocity tends to push you away and down the slope.

5G (Glitch Gets Good Guns Glitch)
if you dont currently have a lvl one of a weapon in your inventory you can change how things spawn and get free level 2 or 3 versions of those weapons. Most notable on Race to the Rocket.

Cleaner Duping
backsaving while a cleaner is in flight can allow the first to explode while duping it for use again in your inventory

Det Pack Duping
Backsaving at just the right time as to maintain a detpack in your inventory that just exploded a wall. While the wall also remains destroyed.

0 Second Glitch
A form of storage where you exit to menu on the last frame of a level before the exit. When you re select the level to replay it will automatically end and give an IGT of 0.

other forms of storage

Trench Walking
side walking up a slope at an angle to climb to the top. Usually walking at a specific angle with the slide animation beneath your feet but still making progress up the slope.

Ramp / Slope Jumps
Using the upward momentum of jumping up a slope to jump higher

Wall Clips
Passing through a wall without using the corner clip method. Not entirely understood yet. Notable What Research and Fire It Up

Corner Clips
properly aligning your model on the corner of 2 walls that also slightly slope up and back can allow you to walk through that corner as if it had no collision

Ghost in the Shell
Die on same frame you possess a bot. You will not have the option to exit and upon death of the bot will go straight to mission failed screen

RAT invincibility Glitch

Exploding Barrel Launch
In access the ruins you can stand on the top of the barrels at the end of the first alley. Standing in the right place and setting them off below you can shoot you into the air. Even higher with a well timed jump, this is used in the access the ruins TAS

Mil Fight Skip
hero training, getting your model stuck in a rock / cave so that the CS cant warp you back to where it wants you. Allowing you to be closer to the gate and skip the first Mil fight of the game.

Robbs Levitation Glitch
"The best way to achieve this glitch is position Glitch by the arena trap before hijacking the titan. Before taking control as Glitch, activate the trap. The jump height can vary."

10 Point Dive
Getting under water by passing through or getting around the water's death barrier.

Cutscene Ghosting
Physics will still apply to objects that aren't being directly controlled by a rendered cut-scene. This can be used to move Glitch while the cut-scene is playing.

Wrench Clips
When moving towards a wall, use the wrench to disassemble right before hitting the wall. Your momentum will carry your disassembled form to the other side. When you reassemble you will be on the other-side.

Speed Sliding
When you are pushed above a certain speed, the physics change slightly and you slide across the ground. This can be done either by going down a steep slope, landing and moving forward on a slope after jumping, or being pushed into it from various vehicles or NPCs in the game. This momentum can be carried further with well timed jumps.

Zombie Boosting
Using the attack from a zombie bot and jumping at the perfect time to increase Glitch's speed and momentum, usually followed by using the boost for a speed slide.

Tank Climbing
You can use a tank to access heights that are not normally reachable. This is most commonly done by driving a tank against and up a wall and getting out to jump off the tip before it slides back down. You can also raise the tanks cannon and it will stay in its elevated state after exiting. Useful in situations where less height is needed.

Loader Climbing
using the borked physics of the loaders thruster to climb vertical walls

Loader Surfing
riding loader down a slope to conserve speed w/o actually driving it. You can also pick up health and weapons in this position.

Loader Launch
grenade under loader throws loader into air then you jump off at the peak. Name inspired by Warthog launching exploit in Halo 1.

Double Jump Bending
Redirecting your jumps mid air usually after first before 2nd. Allowing you to get places a straight double jump couldn't get you. Most notably used on i predator

Trench Jump
Climbing the highest mountain in into the trenches and jumping into a canyon speed sliding / jumping over the central wall.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater Skip
For into the trenches, involves climbing the highest mountain and jumping into a canyon (trench jump) speed sliding through and up the other side like a giant half pipe. You can then walk along the top of the opposite mountain to the end of the level.

Gate Skip
Jumping above and clipping through the final gate on Wasteland Journey.

The Reset Room
On fire it up after the edge walk, when you jump off the roof of the next area into the void / hallway. If you jump too far right you can clip into a small secret room w/ no exit. The only way out is to restart the level.

Scope Exploit
While Out of Bounds, the game will sometimes load too many areas, resulting in a reset back to your last checkpoint. This can be prevented by using your scope when crossing these areas.

Camera Clips
This trick allows Glitch to slide through wall boundaries by forcing the camera behind the boundary, and then moving Glitch in after. So far, the only way we know of to force the camera through a boundary is to put Glitch in between two objects that are close enough together that he cannot walk through them, and spin the camera. If you start seeing black, you are doing it correctly.

Pentagonal Box Clip
At the beginning of the level 'I, Predator' you can quickly get on top of the elevator and perform a few jumps which lets you get on top of the building, and easily get out of bounds.

Titan Clipping
This can only be done in Multiplayer. Have one person get in a tank and the other get in a titan. a few corners in certain maps will actually allow a titan to be clipped out by a tank pushing them. This will not work the same way in Solo mode since there are very few places were this would be useful. Also note that Mils in Tanks can not push you like a player can.

Duel Possession
By entering a turret and possessing a Mil bot at the same time you can control both simultaneously. The turret will aim where the bot aims and both will shoot at the same time. You maintain full control of the bot but is prone to crashing the console.

Cleaner Tracking
Track enemies that have been previously selected with the cleaner so that they cant hide from you. Select the enemies you want to target with the cleaner. While still holding the left trigger down use your quick select to change what you are holding in your grenade hand. You may now release the left trigger and the the cleaner selections should remain.
Video of the glitch: ()

Death Storage
By back saving on the same frame as a Mil grunt dies you can store their death and they will die after the backsave. This was proven to work on the guard at the end of Cleanup.

Alternative Controls Bug
In a few niche scenarios we have been able to cause a glitch that remaps all controls. This has the side effect of allowing the rivet gun to shoot incredibly fast. Its is sadly also incredibly difficult to control. One notable spot it was caused was restarting the level on the same frame as cleanups mission failed cutscene.

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#:::: Easter Eggs ::::
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  • DAVES - Dave's Super Secret Chips -
    An Easter egg placed by David M Adams
    2 chips you can pick up; the first one is technically in secret rendezvous.
    On pick up, it changes the mission objective text, tells you to congrats for finding it, and then tells you there is another one under a rock in clean up.

  • Evans Secret Mission Objective on YKTD -
    Evan Hort, one of the level designers
    Or Evan Branning, a QA tester
    Tether the predator on the level you know the drill then when you exit the bot check your menu
    "Evan hopes you had fun with the Predator. Now get up and out of the Research Drilling Facility."

  • Dirty Spiders on The Reactor Core -
    After the first set of swirly tubes, beside the third secret chip. You can find some spiders doing the dirty, all the sudden makes sense why there are so many of them.

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#:::: Streaming ::::
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##--- Streaming Setup and Options

Open broadcasting software, an open source program used to stream and record

What bank of twitch servers you are broadcasting too, best to pick the one you have the best connection too

The process of compressing video to fit more quality into the same bitrate. Heavier encoding is the best solution for better quality on low bitrate streams.

CPU (Processor) based video encoding, generally gives best quality

Nvidia's GPU (Graphics card) based video encoding

AMD's GPU (Graphics card) based video encoding

Encoding Preset
How much CPU or GPU you dedicate to encoding your stream, fast uses less, and placebo uses the most

Encoding Profile
Dictates what toolset is used to encode

  • https://imgur.com/a/1gj6oki

  • [Encoding profile] Baseline - Basic toolset, more of a compatibility mode. Least resource intensive, and worst quality

  • [Encoding profile] Main - Expanded toolset, Heavier and more resource intensive but a noticable bump in quality over baseline, while maintaining compatibility with most devices

  • [Encoding profile] High - Expanded toolset, Heaviest and most resource intensive but also best quality. Some older devices may not be able to decode / view the stream though

Encoding Tune
Extra limitations or filters you can put on encoding to give certain results

  • https://imgur.com/a/JGZPbAU

  • [Encoding Tune] film – intended for high-bitrate/high-quality movie content. Lower deblocking is used here.

  • [Encoding Tune] animation – intended for cartoons, etc., where deblocking is boosted to compensate for larger, flat areas. More reference frames are used.

  • [Encoding Tune] grain – this should be used for material that is already grainy. Here, the grain won't be filtered out as much.

  • [Encoding Tune] stillimage – like the name says, it optimizes for still image encoding by lowering the deblocking filter.

  • [Encoding Tune] psnr and ssim – these are debugging modes to optimize for good PSNR and SSIM values only. Better metrics don't necessarily mean better quality though.

  • [Encoding Tune] fastdecode – disables CABAC and the in-loop deblocking filter to allow for faster decoding on devices with lower computational power.
    *[Encoding Tune] zerolatency – optimization for fast encoding and low latency streaming

Constant bit rate and Variable bit rate.
CBR is whats used for streaming and limits your data stream to the predetermined amount plus a buffer
VBR is mostly used for recordings and modulates bitrate based on demand

The allocated amount of data that you are uploading to the video of your stream or recording. Keep in mind if bit-rate is constant (CBR) it is divided between your frames, at the quality your outputting.
---Example: At 60fps and 2500 bitrate you would have twice the fps and a smoother stream than 30fps at 2500 bitrate. At the expense of the quality of each individual frame being halved as there are double the frames. At 30 fps with 2500 bitrate video may seem less fluid but the quality of each individual frame will be double that of the 60fps counterpart. Like-wise you could lower the resolution of each frame (Output resolution) and have a higher fps at same bitrate.

Canvas Resolution
The size / resolution of the base you build your scenes on, best to match resolution of whatever you are capturing

Output Resolution
The size / resolution you are uploading to your stream or video. For low bitrate streams going as low as 852x480 may be ideal, for optimal quality its best to use 1280x720.

Downscale Filter
Filter applied to clean up the scaling when obs converts the canvas resolution, to the output resolution to stream it.

Process Priority Class
Sets the priority for OBS compared to other programs. As encoding can consume a lot of CPU, setting this higher can ensure capturing and encoding is done smoothly

Enable New Networking Code (By WizrdCM)
Also known as the New Socket Loop. Uses an event based API for streaming rather than non-blocking sockets. Reportedly helps with frame drops and disconnections.

Low Latency Mode (By notR1CH)
Breaks up big video packets into smaller ones and sends them with spacing (delay) between packets. This attempts to avoid upstream buffering at your modem or other devices, so that game traffic and other network traffic does not get queued behind large amounts of video data. Note that since it does cause more total packets, if used on a poor quality connection it could increase the chance of frame drops. The end result is that you should experience less of an effect from streaming on your in-game latency (ping)

##--- Audio

Audio Bitrate
The allocated amount of data that you are uploading to the audio of your stream or recording

A filter on audio that quiets or boosts the volume whenever you reach pre specified levels

Noise Gate
A filter on audio that mutes the audio when sound levels fall below a certain point, ideal for cutting out controller and keyboard noises when your not talking.

Noise Suppression
A filter on audio usually used on microphones, its used to remove the constant hiss / background static that most mics have. A good start is to remain perfectly silent (with no other filters active) and add more suppression until silence no longer triggers the mic in obs.

A filter on audio that makes the audio louder

Sample Rate
44K htz vs 48k htz. Polling rate of the audio higher has better quality, but can distort audio if 44,100htz audio is played back at 48,000htz and vice versa. Best to have polling rate of your mic, game, and stream output match.
---- Example: "basically: in 44.1kHz there are 44100 samples, for each second of audio. 48kHz has 48000 samples for each second. these samples do not really align neatly."

Audio Bit Depth
Essentially the dynamic range of the audio under a determined sample rate
---- Example: 16, 24, 32 bit

32 bit floating
All OBS audio is converted to 32 bit floating, 24 bit audio with 8 extra bits of headroom. Then outputted as a 50% larger 24bit audio file

Audio Codec
How your audio in encoded, cant be changed via settings but the alternative will automatically be used if installed. I suggest Apples "CoreAudio AAC encoder" (AppleApplicationSupport64.msi).
---How To: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/obs-studio-enable-coreaudio-aac-encoder-windows.220/

Audio Ducking & Side-Chain
Lowers audio level of one source, when another becomes active

##--- OBS Scene Composition

Different configurations / setups or sources that you create to fit different purposes (Game, Away, Intro, outro, ex)

Any file or input device that OBS references (Images, game capture, text, ex.)

An image source usually a .png that is used to hide where stream elements come together. Such as add a border between the game and splits or facecam.

Browser source
A OBS plugin used to reference webpages within obs's built in browser. Has infinite uses but most notably can be used to playback video playlists within OBS, or have chat playback within OBS.

VLC source
A OBS plugin that requires VLC media player to be installed. Used to playback video files within OBS, most notably used for PB video comparisons.

Scaling / Scaling filters
Any time you resize something in OBS scaling is introduced. Different scaling filters can bring back some of the quality loss associated with stretching the image or video. These are the same filters that are used if you downscale your output resolution to something smaller than your canvas resolution.

Flipping, resizing, turning or otherwise modifying the orientation of a source in a scene

Reset Transform
Reverts a source back to its default values

A filter for removing pixels from a respective side of a source

How much transparency the source has

Locking a source
There is a small lock beside each source listed within a scene. If the lock is closed the source cannot be moved, when unlocked it can be transformed, moved, scaled ex. Its a good idea to lock down your sources as you get them how you like them to avoid changing them by accident. Just click to the lock to open / close it.

##--- Video

4:3 or 16:9
screen formats, 640x480 and 1280x720 pixels respectively

Translating a (i) "interlaced" video feed to (p) "progressive" video feed.
---Techquickie - Interlaced vs. Progressive Scan - ()

Color Correction
A filter on video used to alter the appearance of colors and contrast of the video

  • https://imgur.com/a/quU9aqu

  • [Color Correction] Saturation - Used to boost the intensity of colors

  • [Color Correction] Contrast - degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture

  • [Color Correction] Gamma - Similar to brightness, lightens or darkens the video
    "the degree of contrast of a developed photographic image or of a video image"

"Washed out"
When the colors and or blacks of the video are faded or not as "deep" as they could or should be

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Estatísticas do jogo
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