[Suggestion] Virtual Categories
8 years ago
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

I just came across this leaderboard http://www.speedrun.com/lok_sr/PC_30FPS#Any_Glitched and noticed that they abuse the individual levels to distinguish between platforms cause they are not comfortable with all platforms being in a single leaderboard. Others make multiple games for multiple platforms and others even make multiple games per version (Terraria). You could theoretically filter the leaderboard through the combo boxes, but that can become kind of annoying, which is why quite some leaderboards like the Legacy of Kain leaderboard abuse the system in some way to get more leaderboards out of it. My suggestion would be to allow the creation of a virtual category. A virtual category would be an automatic combination of filters that are automatically shown as a named category. This way people don't need to abuse the system while also having separate "categories" for the different situations. This would also allow runs to be part of multiple categories (1 actual category + some virtual categories), which does make a lot of sense. Someone running Any% No Tuner in The Wind Waker, is also implicitly running the Any% category, which is why the Any% No Tuner category could be a virtual category.

Raynius e xDrHellx curtiu isso
United States

When conceptualizing these things, I had originally hoped that all the displayed categories would simply be combinations of filters. Some combination of half virtual and half non-virtual might be complex to implement at this point (or maybe not?).

We also had conceptualized what I'm going to for now call "discerning type variables", which would imply that two runs with different values are not directly comparable due to a time difference. I think having a type of variable to denote this would allow us to do other things with the interface to alleviate concerns.

Ideally all things should utilize the modularity, and intentionally bypassing modularity probably highlights an underlying functionality issue. Making it so something can't possibly be sorted by a variable, when a user might want to do that is not ideal.