6 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Why do we need to donate to customize our profile theme. We didn't need to donate for that before. Why did you change it?


To get more donations duh XD hey u donate


The only thing donating gets you is the ability to customize your name color and the ability to make the donation icon a custom icon.

You can edit your profile theme for free still.


North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


Why can't I do that?

Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

As in, why can't you have colour gradient and get a custom icon? Donators help the site, those perks are a way of giving thanks to them.


I want to give back to speedrun.com

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


You are just changing the subject. We didn't have to donate to change our profile theme before, but now we do! We always needed to donate to get gradient name color and get a custom icon on the name. Please think before you write. (Not trying to argue)

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
European Union

[quote=Donation Page]• Gradient name colour • Custom icon your name • Extra social media for your profile • Early access to upcoming features[/quote]

the donation page only mentions extra social media, so either you have encountered a bug or someone has removed your permissions for editing your profile theme.

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Timmiluvs curtiram isso

Except he hasn't donated so no icon in the first place

Editado por o autor 6 years ago

What was ur punishment for the Admin icon? XD


yeah, what Howdenking said - the only way you'd not have the edit profile option is if you've encountered a weird bug or somehow got it revoked.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


In my donation page, it says this:

-Gradient name colour

-Custom icon your name

-Extra social media for your profile

-Animated user picture

-""Customise your profile theme""

-Early access to upcoming features

EDIT: I had to donate for editing profile theme when I first created this account. EDIT 2: I hope the admins fix this for me :(

Editado por o autor 6 years ago

Screenshot? Mine doesn't say that

Edit: nevermind it does say that for a new account if you haven't donated, I don't remember it being that way

Editado por o autor 6 years ago

That's odd that that was changed, didn't know that that happened.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I found the solution:

Just use the edittheme url...

EDIT: Nevermind, it is patched -_-

Editado por o autor 6 years ago
Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

Huh, that's new. And a little odd since the coders on site staff haven't been very active recently.