Speedrun Strategy
7 years ago

I'm a speedrunner of N64 ver. but not one of NES ver. So I'm sorry if my opinion is silly.

I've never seen speedrunners using the same "viruses and capsules setting".Why not use this? As you know, all the viruses and capsules are completely decided by the frame when you press start on the level and music select menu. I mean, for example, the first capsule at the start of level 1 doesn't depend on how much time you take to beat level 0. So if you use the same strat at level 0, you can use the same strat at level 1, and if you do so, you can use ... like this.

The first question you may ask is how we start at the same frame. It's not hard to reset at first and then hit start continuously. (You don't have to use the fastest frame. You can choose one from several frames at the start and reset until you get it.) The best way for speedrun is 1: you choose the best frame for the fastest clear 2: you push start at the exact frame judging from the music. Of course, you can use this (probably) 1 frame trick though it's difficult.

The biggest question is how we memorize all the procedure. I think even when we restrict under level 10 or 15, it's extremely hard. Though, there're no rules to stop you from using tools.You can use videos showing how to put capsules 2 seconds after or make some tools that show you next place.

Fortunately, If I'm not misunderstanding, even how many capsules you use doesn't affect the next level. So you can use this trick only for difficult (like 18 19 20) levels.

It's really natural to say "Hey, you should do first". But I found my operation is awful, so I can't know whether it's faster or not. Sorry. But, for fortunate system told above, I suppose this will do even if you don't know all the procedure cuz you can know which to erase.

Thank you for reading.

Maine, USA

if it is possible on the NES version, I haven't seen it myself. I've never played the N64 version, so I can't say I've seen the manipulation done that way either.

It may be worth looking into for the NES version. I'll check it out when I get around to that game again.


I'm sorry about my confusing expression.

I wrote I'm a runner of N64 ver, but this trick can't be used for N64 ver and can be used only (or also SNES? Idk) for NES ver.(I actually got the same pattern with hitting start continuously.) Really confusing. Sorry.

Possibly, I'll post an example video when I'm free.

Thank you.


I uploaded. I hope this would be some help for runners.

Maine, USA

very interesting find. starting on a certain frame that could net the best possible combination and play it the same every time could very much make the game more reliable. thank you for your find and for sharing with us!