Never happearing in the stream list
7 years ago
Sardinia, Italy

Hi! First of all, I want to say that I saw all the previews post about this argument and I didn't find any solution.

I'm streaming on Twitch with OBS. Everything is ok, but my twitch channel is never in the stream page. I've tried several times, even keeping the stream for about 15 minutes, but it never shows up in the streams page in I checked every settings here, in twitch and in OBS but there's nothing wrong anywhere.

The twitch channel is (btw if I click in the twitch icon in my profile I get there, so there's no typo)

United States

You don't have a PB in what you're speedrunning, so you by default you're hidden. If you uncheck "Has PB in streamed game" you should appear.

Sardinia, Italy

Oh, it works! Thanks! Didn't realize there was that filter.