Hi every body !
9 years ago
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Hello you all !! My name is Rémi and I am a french doctor of dental surgery, when I have time in my life I am also a retrogamer i love nes and snes, i practice sport ( running, crossfit, obstacle races) and speedrunning since 2 years, only for my pleasure. Since few weeks i try to do really good speedruns on nes, unfortunately only on PAL version 50hz so the times are awful ! But i like to do it ;) Maybe you have a 50hz ranking for the games. I'm glad to be of yours and maybe post some videos ;) See you !!


Yep, I play Megadrive at 50hz. Just means I have to be even faster due to the handicap.

Anyway, welcome.

Doctor and speedrunner?!? Mind is completely blown. Welcome!