G'day to all
8 years ago
Victoria, Australia

So.. Introductions... My name is TheGlitched64 and I run... well... fuck... what don't I run? Just quickly scroll down my page you'll see what I mean. I have been actively speedrunning for about... 3-4 months and have since taken to running all sorts of games. Including moderating a few. [By the way... if people wanna run THOTHD: Overkill, Pokemon Rumble World, Super Smash land or the Duck life series... I moderate those and verify runs on the day and am easy going and all that stuff.]

Honestly just trying to get my name out into the community and hoping to get to talk to other runners in games I run or am interested in... which is like 95% Nintendo but I digress...

and yeah... that's it... Time to pass out drunk again! Huzzah!

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