8 years ago

You mashed one button which did not skip the cutscene and then pressed another button and that instantly skipped it? So you skipped too late. I can skip it with the mouse wheel (sprint on foot, nothing inside cars), so I guess you have foot control and can skip with shooting and sprinting - and maybe some other button, I am not very knowledgable on cutscene skips. ^^

You mash as if your life depended on it. :D Chill. After the skip is "enabled", nothing interesting happens for the next few microseconds and then it waits for 1000 ms. You need to skip in those 1000ms.

I cancelled the download and now have to go... I guess it crashed on the second attempt? Read my post about it, it is two or three posts back. Just CTRL-f for Black Project.

Copypasta, there you go. :D

[quote]There are things to consider for BP (Black Project) duping. Nothing too bad, though, unless some other really confusing way to get the same bs is uncovered.

First up, skip the cutscene in the first 1000 milliseconds after the cutscene skip is "enabled", else you softlock the mission, i.e. you get no objectives anymore. In other words, do not fall asleep. Secondly, if you have already started BP and failed, do not use this duping method anymore. It is likely that it crashes your game, then. Re-loading the game does not help. Maybe there is something consistent enabling a dupe but I cannot be bothered - just complete BP once if you die there - just don't die in BP.

The reason for the first issue is: when you skip the cutscene later than 1000ms in, some audio plays. When you then press the cutscene skip button, one instance of BP works just fine and sets your mission progress to 5 (enabling objectives), the other BP instance waits for the audio to finish and after that it sets your mission progress to 3 (disabling objectives).

The second issue is more complicated: if infra-red goggles are in memory at the moment you dupe BP, the game crashes. So when you have started BP and then die, they might still be in memory (I do not know what determines whether they stay or not). When you then dupe BP again, it crashes.[/quote]

Tduva, please add this stuff to the guide. ^^ We can't yell at people for not reading, otherwise. ;)


I already had the skip cutscene to prevent the softlock thing in there, but I improved the information a bit.


Washington, USA

I did read that before, but I didn't know that applied to the Truth cutscene. I tried to skip it and it didn't work for a while and I didn't know when to stop mashing "F" because there was no indication the mission duped.

Washington, USA

I see what the issue I had was now. Also somehow I had one phonecall left over somehow. Would that cause any issues or only if it was ringing in the marker?


o.O Oh man, I never noticed that I did not specify which cutscene causes problems ... FailFish It is the Mothership cutscene. For the rest, it does not matter, afaik. I see no reason that it would matter, since the Mothership cs softlock is clearly understood from reading the logs and the other cutscenes work differently.

Calls do not matter. There is no reason to doubt that the dupe has happened, we have done it a lot and there is no theoretical reason it would not work.

Which cutscenes can you skip with Enter/Exit? I did not know this was a thing. The Mothership cutscene cannot be skipped with F, that was easy to tell from the audio.

My bad, tduva. The info about re-starting BP had been missing, though, IIRC. I like the text about the crash better now, ^^

SolusOHKO likes this
Washington, USA

I thought it was like the phonecalls because I heard Tirean say something about mashing "F" in his pb, but now I realize that doesn't make sense since there is no phonecall to spam "F" to so I was mashing it and space and I also forgot how long it takes to skip the cutscene so I stopped mashing space for a bit based on regular any% then continued to try again after the dialog stopped I guess.

Was just a misunderstanding on my end of how it worked based on a run I seen.


Ok. It is skippable as soon as CJ turns his head to The Truth before starting to talk.

Btw, you can hold F for dupes relying on taking the call. You can hold F to skip calls in general. Also you can hold instead of mashing to skip the Jizzy call cutscenes and the cutscene after getting into the car during Ran Fa Li [tduva's findings].

You can also hold to get to the next Flight School lesson (both for the results screen and the "press to start") and the Tanker commander cutscenes (Tanker Commander, not First Date).

So in short: all calls, all calls cutscenes during Jizzy, the Ran Fa Li car cutscene (hold handbrake and A) all Flight School lesson skips, first Tanker Commander cutscene.


Patrick, could we have the setup you talked about on my stream for the Cut Throat business dupe setup (the one where you don't hold the phonecall throughout everything).

Messed about with it on stream today and only had the 60s phonecall, not sure if answering less phonecalls make it so I have a 15s/20s phonecall or stuck with that 60s one.


Yes, if you do not take all calls after Vertical Bird, you are fine. There are four calls available after SMB. One of them, the Sweet call, is disabled after Vertical Bird. So, in order to have one call left for duping: If you get the Sweet call after SMB (listen to the first line), you have 3 calls left after Vertical Bird (4 minus one taken) and can take two. Otherwise, you have 2 calls left after Vertical Bird (4 minus one taken minus one disabled by Vertical Bird(Sweet)) and can take one.

You start Cut Throat Business normally and drive to Loc. To fail the mission, you need to headshot Madd Dogg - IIRC from close range. Then un-aim, cancel the call that should come in immediately, then call start Trucking and watch the video for the rest. Caps is action/2nd fire

I have not done extensive tests on how reliable the jumping out of the hospital tutorial is - the wasted warp does not save much time compared to driving anyways.

After passing CTB, don't start any side/submission (saying just in case^^) and start Riot "normally". Since one CTB instance is still running, it is "turned" into a second Riot instance. Hold W and D to survive the cars (similar to Ran Fa Li). I have survived that 5 times, I do not know how slim the chances are to flip irrecoverably that way. I flipped a couple times when I did not hold W D until being back on four wheels.

I edited the post on holding skip buttons: the second Tanker Commander cs is also skippable by holding.

Edit: link fixed. :D

Don Peyote dupe (skips intensive care)

I cant get it to work with landing in the marker with the heli. Using a car worked every time for me as long as you kill them fast enough.

If you get a bike after YHYC you can set up the dupe with catalina call (bike school) in less than 2 minutes. There is a bribe star very close so you can also take cop bikes. Driving to bike school did not despawn the heli.

About 1 minute is wasted getting a car and watching the cutscenes , skipping them will only pass the mission once as far as I could tell and then crash the game on next mission

Intensive care is about 3 minutes if you get amazing rng

Im bad at flying so maybe you could land the heli in the marker and save a tiny bit more time/set up the dupe somewhere else

thesonixz likes this

Good job :) It hurts to say that only IC can unlock Crash missions. :(

:( Didnt check that

I think this was posted before but it is working now. The call is the high noon call. So it skips High Noon and gives you another OM 0 call to dupe something else.

Probably not useful because you dont need OM 0 call for Black Project.

United States

Hey guys you are amazing, did you know that this duping mission method of yours are also being used by people on gtaforums for obtaining vehicles which have special properties only during a said mission (Someone got an indestructable Picador on Photo Opportunity). For exemple, on that video where Beating down on B Dup was skipped, that Infernus that Joshimuz drove at the end of mission is completely indestructable, and is very hard to obtain it in other ways. Maybe keeping that vehicle could benefit your speedruns, even though it is already one of the last missions?

Joshimuz likes this
Hampshire, England

Hey Rhans, that's pretty awesome. I've kept looking at the possibility of doing an all special vehicles run myself and I think even during that video where I get the Infernus from Beat Down on B Dup I say how this will help the special vehicles guys a lot because I looked up the other ways of getting the Infernus and they were all pretty hard.

Thanks for letting us know that we're helping non-speedrunning stuff too.

As for the usefulness of the car, the rest of the run has no use for an indestructible fast car because we immediately do Gang Territories after B Dup which we need the Cop Bike for (or another side mission vehicle) and even if we didn't I don't think it would be too useful

Rhans likes this

That's nice to hear! :) Are these following strats already known to them / you? I have not posted them here, yet: Gaining control during cutscenes by ending calls (taking and then hanging up or have it end by itself):

Dying with onmission=0 does not fail the mission unless the mission checks for death (and then makes the mission fail).

Edit: I do not see how the dying with onmission=0 thing is useful for getting those vehicles. It allows duping the Black Project without starting it during Quarry by starting Black Project the second time after wasted warping after the alarm went off.

Rhans likes this
South Yorkshire, England

Duping with different game versions: Over the last couple of days I've been trying to hold calls from bloodbowl. On v1.0 & v1.01 I've had no problems setting up dupes, but with both v3.0 old steam and the new steam version I'm unable to hold the calls after phonecall starting bloodbowl. Similar to the FIAB dupe to skip freefall, it seems the steam versions of the game after unable to hold the calls through interiors. Additionally I had further problems with the steam versions holding calls with bike school. If anyone with either steam version has 10-15mins to test this that should verify the difficulties with duping on the steam versions.

So as it stands, running any% on the steam version (3.0) is a poor option. :(

Washington, USA

On Xbox and Steam it's the same. You can inconsistently get Ran Fa Li to work and even more inconsistently Highjack w/trucking. This has been known information because I tested both versions back when duping was new.

Bike School and Bloodbowl just cancel the call on Xbox and Steam as well. Same thing. Although if you dupe Verdant Meadows on Xbox the game crashes somewhere in LV and I'm not sure if that happens on steam as well, but most likely.


HYPE or fail post: start outrider the 2nd time like i do so the first instance insta fails -> The game is now in a state where you cannot get stars, you now can go to LV without getting 4 stars Kreygasm

someone go ahead and confirm that this does not cause complications later on, all i did was complete monster and fly around LV (no time to playthrough lv + rtls and nothing comes to mind that can cause issues) We can now safely dupe Toreno's last flight without 4 star bullshit.

Gaël likes this

Unfortunalely, following LV missions will set wanted level back to normal: Interdiction, Verdant Meadows, The Meat Business, Freefall, Saint Mark's Bistro

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