why ??
1 year ago

I was the first one to break the misc. Records and till to this day my runs haven't been verified yet , i was told my runs will be verified and my account unban .i don't want to ask my runs verification here but i have waited months after months after months and even submitted the Google form which was given but no response. I know about the 10009+ verification you guys do but i was the first one and i waited for 4-5 months.

Caiojej to się podoba
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

The oldest run is 3 months old it cant be your run please send a link of your run to me


The oldest in queue right now is 3 months, If your run has not been verified yet then it most likely got rejected. Every rejected run has the reason provided with it.

Zumi to się podoba

Not with me bro , my case was different. My runs were uploaded 6 months ago and my prove was given 5 months ago. Then the world record holder misc said that DHA will approve my runs and un ban my account. But nothing happened Check my youtube channel just scroll Little you will get the Runs


The reason provied were not valid , i already prove it


So you're saying you got banned and just made a new account?


No , i submitted the runs from my alt account because i haven't done much runs in that account but they ban that account because they thought i was cheating without any valid proof. And after the proof was made nothing has been done till now


You are only allowed to have 1 account on the site, no matter what.


Yeah i already told them i didn't knew that i cant submit from my alt account but they were not talking about the alt account , mostly they were talking about the runs were not possible but i told it was possible but they didn't beleive at all. And when the current world record holder did it with much less time than me they believe him. And i told this to the current holder he told that my account will be unban and my runs will be approved but nothing happened


Also i don't get the logic behind alt account, i know it's me only but i haven't submitted from this account so there is no two of me who is trying to be in the leaderboard. So it counts at one .but if it's the rule than no worries. But i garantee you most of runs in the leaderboard are alt accounts they just will not tell you but i did.


I will say you're right with that there are probably a lot of alt accounts on the board right now (it will be very hard to go through, but if we find any we will take action)

But since your alt was confirmed to be an alt it will not be unbanned, site rules say that any alt accounts will be banned when spotted.

Also keep in mind: we are game mods, not site mods. We can't unban your account even if we wanted to.


Alright but can I submit the old runs from this account and how long will it take this time to be verified


Just drop the links somewhere in DMs and i can recheck them


Locking the thread: Sorted out in private

Pear to się podoba

Some of the runs are possible and probably legit, as the knowledge we have now about versions that could allow to powerups to spawn in those spots.

There is still a run that, as far as we know, it's not possible to achieve, I think we were talking about the mystery box spawn you got, which is not possible in any known version.

The runs were rejected because at the time, you could not provide the version you were playing, saying that it was a modified version uploaded by your friend, so as of now we can't accept the runs because you most likely played in an unofficial version, which will also affect the other submissions until proof is given, which you never gave.

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