Inactive mods
7 years ago

Unfortunately, several mods for this leaderboard are currently inactive and have been so for almost a year now and the job of verifying runs end up the responsibility of only a few of us (mostly AltriaAvalon and Pessimism and sometimes CursedToast, Zenix and myself help).

So, if you are part of this group of inactive mods, would you be so kind as to remove yourself as a mod? Unfortunately, every mod of this leaderboard was made a "super mod" and a super mod can only remove himself/herself or be removed by the site admins.

By doing so, we can eventually add new mods to this leaderboard when the current active ones might becoming inactive and this ensures the list of mods won't slowly become a complete mess (which it pretty much already is...).

Thank you.

Florida, USA

I'm still inactively active! :) Sorry I don't do as much as I used to - but I'll be doing more soon.


That wasn't aimed at you, CursedToast.

I'm talking about the mods that haven't been active (as in verifying runs or participating in anything related to the leaderboard) for over a year now.

You've been doing plenty by providing us with awesome auto-splits! :)

Edytowane przez autor 7 years ago

Ask admins already, they aren't active a long time


Thanks, I'll definitely use that thread as a last resort. I'll just wait a few more days to give it a reasonable delay and then try to contact each individually.


I guess I must have left the impression in the first post that we are currently looking for new mods. We are not. We currently have 3 active mods plus 2 semi-active. We are plenty fine at the moment.

I just want to clean the current mods list for the future. So if in one year, for example, we do need new mods, we won't pile more mods on top of 8 inactive mods.

To me, somebody that hasn't been verifying runs nor participating in any of the leaderboard activities for over a year should not be a mod anymore. It just uselessly clogs up the list of mods.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.


All 3 inactive mods were removed (Eleval, TheMixedHerb and Sshplur). I also removed myself before posting a few old runs I did a couple months ago. I have been pretty inactive for the last couple months, both as a mod on the leaderboard and as a speedrunner (lol) and I decided quitting speedrunning was my new year resolution (that and other things ;) ). It was fun for maybe 4-5 months when I first started in 2014, then it became a chore I pushed myself to do because I'm obsessive compulsive and I can't accept to invest time into something without some kind of return/profit. I'd rather invest my time into other hobbies that are less frustrating. ;)

I tried to help this community and manage this leaderboard to the best of my abilities and hopefully I did an ok job.

Good luck to all of you and I hope this poor game gets more love in the future.

Edytowane przez autor 7 years ago
zenix, Roo, i Liv podobało się to
Dalarna, Sweden

You will be missed! I know without you I wouldn't even be close to the level I am at now.

Good luck with your endeavours outside of speedrunning!

United States


I wish you the best, Lileya! It was a pleasure taking part in moderating the boards with you and migrating all the runs in the end. I'm gonna miss being corrected on my poor moderation skills from time to time lol. Thanks for all the hard work you've put into this game as a runner and moderator.

When's the Chopin speedruns? Kappa

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Please submit all Resident Evil HD Remaster runs to the new boards.

Console: Steam:

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