NSMBU , NSLU (both)
2 years ago
Puerto Rico

Could you create a misc category where any % of NSMBU and NSLU are performed? Since it exists for NSMBUDX but not in Wiiu

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Zumi and okosan like this
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

The Problem with this games is they are two different games on two cds... and at the Deluxe version they are both in "one game" on one cd

MysteryWolf7 and lombre914 like this
Puerto Rico

Yes, of course, it is true, you are right, thanks for telling me Zumi, it is that I have the CD that includes both, instead it would be cool if it were created even if it was proposed as a "different game"

Florida, USA

Its already a category on the category extension google doc if you wanna run it https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G7C8So7I3_Nd11MNhbE_8NHk8s6FO8sf1WB8DbJx4Rc/edit#gid=0

MysteryWolf7 likes this
Puerto Rico

I want to do the speedrun soon, thank you!

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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