About NG+
8 years ago

I am currently looking into the categories of different FF games to spark my interest in maybe picking up some Speedrunning on my own for 3,4,7 or 8 and I noticed the NG+ category.

What exactly IS NG+? From the ones I watched so far I couldn't see big differences, but since it is a whole category on it's own I'd like to know what the deal about it is. My google skills are weak and I was not able to find comprehensive Information on the matter.

Moderators? Runners? Help me out here! :D


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Introducing Mav's "SpeedSquare" for PC Runs - *RULES CHANGES*

Hello PC runners!

We are pleased to introduce a new tool for PC runs intended to better solve the issue of fairness between runners with regards to hardware differences as well as greatly simplify the process of running.

***Download, Install, and Usage guide:

The tool is called SpeedSquare, creat

28 days ago
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