Any% 50 lines category
3 years ago
United States

Hello! Again, just want to thank the mod team for their hard work in accommodating the community and allowing for the current any% category to flourish. The competition is insane and awesome!

Would anyone be interested in a 50 lines any% as a separate board? I think it's becoming evident that 25 Lines has allowed for more parity in the community, and 50 lines would open that up even more! In addition, since the RNG of Tetris is manipulatable, it makes it MUCH harder to memorize 50 lines worth of moves compared to 25, making the ceiling much higher and potentially more competitive.

These are just thoughts. The only downside is that, without dipswitches, some runners might have trouble getting to 50 lines before the time limit expires, so this would be a very difficult board to qualify for. But this isn't too foreign a concept, a lot of NES boards have tough categories to post runs to.

United States

If there’s support among the community, we would certainly be willing to implement this. There’s no set time or number for what determines support, but everyone can share their opinions if they wish.

dlloyd10, AriesFireTiger, and JSR_ like this
Washington, USA

I'm all for a 50 line finish.

JSR_, dlloyd10, and AriesFireTiger like this

I would like to see it also, not many people will be able to do the category but this is part of the challenge anyway. It would give a lot of entertainement for sure.

JSR_ and dlloyd10 like this
United States

I would suggest someone put up a 50 line PB and link the vod here (I can try tonight if I get some time). If a couple of us put up a run, I would imagine a board would be a lot easier to conceptualize.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Washington, USA

I'll work on it.

Washington, USA

I'll work on it.

JSR_ likes this
United States

I think it'd be pretty easy to do, just add a sub-category in any% for 25 lines and 50 lines. Wouldn't even need a full new category (I don't actually know how to do this, but I know it's possible)

ShesChardcore likes this
Washington, USA

Any% 50 Lines - 5:18.170

ShesChardcore likes this
Denver, CO, USA

I will look into implementing this later today. Thanks for the suggestions and for posting a run!

Denver, CO, USA

50 line subcategory has been added. All previous any% runs have been converted to the 25 line subcategory. Have at it, folks!

Washington, USA

Awesome! Thank you very much! ^_^