topic: Talk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

It is possibly spam.

I got excited thinking that this was your random ass thread, @battleonfan1 :P

MasterLeoBlue en EmeraldAly vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


Can't it be assumed that a user has exhibited zero activity on SRC since the last time they visited the site? I used "activity" for lack of a better term, and for lack of time to think of a better phrasing. May I ask why you're making the distinction? Also, what is the exact distinction that you are making between the terms? I can't tell what point you are speaking toward or who you are refuting.

Are you saying that a user can visit the site without being active? In that case, I see your point, but I am under the assumption that Hu3y524 hasn't been keeping tabs on TheBlackParrot for long enough to know how active they are, or how active they were before two months ago. If that's your point, then I don't think that's what Hu3y524 was saying or trying to imply, though I do agree with you.

YUMmy_Bacon5 en Deln vindt dit leuk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

Yeah, I always end up re-timing. I would hope that the majority of others do as well, but I've seen enough people who don't :-/

It's not a big deal to me, as long as I uphold my personal standards, and as long as it isn't blatant.

topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


I understand the point that you were making, and I tried to make that clear by saying that it wouldn't "sway your case either way".

I just wanted to inform you how to find an accurate account of a user's activity, just so that you know for the future, and so that you don't mistakenly assume that someone is inactive when they may actually be.

Edit: and yes, if it's true or not makes a difference because you are speaking negatively about someone that you don't know. The comment that you made was negative, malicious, and unfounded.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

Before everyone goes sub-35, I think we should take a moment to remember SlyLobster's premature boast, "Overlay% is dead." It is what initially inspired me to try to get the WR, and now look where we are.

Overlay% is back in business :D

Xcvazer vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

Depending on when the mask unlocks, we may be able to modify the game data in order to do mask-specific runs. Does anyone know any specifics on how many items there are and how long it takes to unlock the mask?

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

Nice. From such humble beginnings, you've become kind of the autosplit king.

unkownspeedrunner vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


"[...] and im sure this guy stopped looking at new runs on purpose to keep his WR."

How can you be sure of that? There is no need to make such negative assumptions, unless you have good reason. Also--not that it would sway your case either way--but the mod has been inactive for only two months, not a year. Activity information can be found by clicking the "info" tab on a user's profile.


Kirkq is the site moderator that is responsible for responding to these requests. He does so in batches. The most recent one was a few days ago, so it should be another few days until he checks back.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

Right on. When I say "first input", I'm assuming that the timer starts when the game starts and that the player would want to make the first input as soon as the game starts. Sorry for the confusion. I thought we were speaking on the precedent of games that start timing upon taking control of the character.

topic: Talk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

Metal Slug misses the specific criteria, but the full co-op run is <20min. There are also multiple games in the series, and each board is streamlined and set up with the same categories. If you want to consider the whole series as one game, then there go your individual, <20min levels :D

There are many arcade games with co-op that you may want to look into. You may even be able to dig one up yourself, using MAME.

Wow, not even single-player IL boards on Portal 2?

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

I think we're describing different things. For example, if I start Super Mario Bros., the game starts, and the timer starts (the one that counts down in the game), then that is the first moment that you have control. Livesplit should start at that moment. Regardless of whether you actually make an input, the game has started. If a few seconds go by and then you press forward while starting the split, then that is a late split--according to what I'm describing. If that is considered fair, then I must have the wrong idea. In many games, things are already happening in-game, at that point. Whether or not you make an input, you have still been given control of the character.

So yes, a player can split at the same time as the first input, but if that occurs after the player is given control, then it is a late split. Also, if a player needs to make an input or series of inputs that involve both hands (running forward and shooting the first enemy on screen, for example), then splitting with one hand can be problematic.

Shade667, stoot, en HowDenKing vindt dit leuk
topic: Talk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

I'm still waiting patiently for the mini NES :D

topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


"The biggest point that keeps getting brought up is that people want to be able to have their PBs on this site, but imho that would be better adressed if you had a section on your profile for freely-defined unverified PBs. I think that feature is planned to be added anyway?"

In the case of a series of games with a multiple runners, wouldn't it also be good to have a leaderboard where times can be correlated with other runners? Simply posting a time on a profile wouldn't suffice, in that regard, unless there is also a way to search for runs and see a list.

topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

@Todd, if you're talking about the Classic series, then it already looks well put-together, though there are a couple missing. I wouldn't know why that is. @wallyaldo has also stated before that the Classic series is in good order.

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


It is much easier to start livesplit at an exact point of confirmation than at first input. First input is ¤pretty much¤. A point of confirmation actually can be exact. In cases where confirmation and starting the split can't be assigned to the same button, the player is at least able to press two buttons simultaneously without needing to eyeball the first input, and without needing to immediately move from one task to another, possibly interfering with the first moments of gameplay. "Point of confirmation" is clearly better in terms of accuracy and having greater facility at first input, but it's inconsequential if accuracy isn't a concern.

Even first input can be exact, by using a precise delay, but that can be somewhat muddled. Metal Slug starts on first input, but there is a point before first input where the player can drop the character into action faster than the default. In such a situation, whoever creates the rules would need to establish that it starts with first input, to use a delay, and to wait for the character's default action to play out. It's more economical to simply state a starting point, whether it be first input or a confirmation.

topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

@Todd Yup.


"There's a few games I've said 'fuck it' to running, simply because I've looked into how things are controlled leaderboard wise, and what I found just wasn't worth dealing with."

Yes, exactly! That has happened to me a few times.

TheGreatToddman vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


If that's a reference to what I said, then I wasn't talking about people here. I was talking about MMLeaderboards. Also, in terms of people here, it seems that SRC admins are more in line with the perspective of MML. Because of both of those, it seems reasonable to try to include MML in whatever decision is made, because they are apparently what is keeping things from happening here. When I spoke of "the main issues", I meant those issues brought on by the presence of MML. In the case of having boards here, the portion of the SRC MM community that is speaking up has no issue. You want boards here, end of story. You have no hang-ups or possible stipulations.

I agree with your statement about accuracy.

topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago

I wouldn't call any of them here accurate, but it seems like one of the stipulatins holding back mega man boards is accuracy, which is something that can be accomplished for mega man--specifically in terms of correlating the two sites--and not necessarily accurate across all of the internet. (This dispute, discrepancy, or whatever this is--it's between the two sites.) That is unless PresJPolk is saying that there are people who wouldn't want their times recognized here, under any circumstances. In that case, the only option would be divergence, though in that case, I feel like SRC boards should have a way to at least acknowledge MMLeaderboards. I'm only saying that because I'm under the assumption that it's one of the main issues. Otherwise, I'm confused.

topic: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


"[...] and it's time to stop worrying about 'accurate boards' and just let the two sites diverge."

The thing is, it wouldn't even be necessary for the sites to "diverge". It is completely reasonable to expect any moderators here to make sure the boards are accurate, and it is apparent that we have people here who are willing to do it.

TheGreatToddman vinden dit leuk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim7 years ago


"I'm not quite sure what you mean by how can you tell when your input is. When you press a button on your controller and do something in the game world for the first time, you start the timer. Some of my runs that are like this: "

For many games, things are happening in-game before an input is made. Things happen in the game world before the player does something in the game world. When I play a game, I'm usually holding forward or some kind of input in anticipation of something that will happen as the game starts. In such cases, starting the timer with first input involves coordinating my first act in the game with starting the timer, which can be inaccurate, and it can also interfere with gameplay.

I assumed "first input" implies "first moment of possible input". That is, the moment where the player has control, regardless of whether the player actually takes an action.


Also, I was referring to the exact moment of input--the exact frame. From what you said, you're not specifically concerned with being able to tell when the first input is, so that is another possible discrepancy between our perspectives.

Another thing is that, in the games that I play and that I'm interested in, gameplay starts within moments of pressing the equivalent of "start". There are no cutscenes to watch or skip. There is pressing start, and then there is gameplay, yet the rules will often say to start the timer with the first input. It seems arbitrary, as though it stems from convention, rather than--as is the case with your examples--being done with a reasonable purpose.

Over kobepilgrim
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