FinlandPull6 years ago

[center]LOCKED - Refer to bottom post for information as to why[/center]

Original post:

(I'll format this better when I can be bothered)

Right, so after having done a run PSP to test the fucking thing out, the results are in and they're fairly interesting.

The thing saves 2:28 over PS2. That means, if you own a PSP then go for the real time WR right now by all means. Mentioned test run can be viewed here. It's a horrid run though, IGT adding together to 38:27.92, where my PS2 PB's IGT is 35:57.30. Yet it's somehow still only 2 seconds behind, go figure. Oh, and it's 50:49.045 in real-time, I fuck up the timer right after Roo so it ends up looking a bit fake but who CARES.

What it also means is that this game not only becomes far less accessible, but also far less competitive.

Removing loads allows for most versions to be atleast viable. The only thing separating them would be lag, but this is ALREADY the case, so not much changes. All this does is eliminate most console differences, not console model differences. (This is the option I'm most fond of.)

So, there are a few ways we can go on about this. The primary objective is to kill differences between consoles. Meaning, I can accurately time loads out from runs that are 51 or under and then use an average load time for the rest of the boards.

Another option is to start timing with IGT (+ hub world movement). This is really dangerous ground 'cause it means restarts will have to be checked so people don't cheese IGT. That's also an incredibly arbitrary thing to enforce so, ha. (And timing hub world movement on top of IGT is just REALLY SILLY.)

A third option is to "equalize" the versions. We have good enough data to be able to convert different PS2 models and consoles to have faster or slower times. The standard should be comparing to PS1 and then editing time accordingly. That being said no one does PS1 runs so PS2 will probably end up being the standard and PS1 just gets time removed off of it. (PSP obviously having time added.)

Now because of loads being removed, emulator inaccuracies shine even brighter as a lot of them tend to lag less than consoles do. As in, half the boards are nuked. Gone. BizHawk probably has something good going for it now, so people could run on that. But previous emulator runs would gain a significant advantage over actual consoles in not having any real lag to speak of.

In conclusion, I am very determined to remove loads from this game, especially so because SRcom allows you to sort runs by Real Time if you so desire, so it's not entirely stupid. Give your two cents on how the loads should be removed and I'll get going with it. Also complain about how your emulator PB is now gone, I guess. Someone more knowledgeable about current day emulators also pitch in on their accuracy yes yes.

And to add, misc. categories aren't getting any of this treatment from my end 'cause all the categories there are bad jokes.

Pie, LepiJopi en 5 anderen vindt dit leuk
FinlandPull6 years ago

Judging from your PB you don't have a grasp on fire works, either. Every skip in the game becomes infinitely easier the moment you have a decent feel on driving, please focus on that first and foremost.

Here's a halfway copied explanation on how fire works from another response I made:

After driving over any turbo pad, you get to max speed and also gain a visual effect of a huge-ass flame behind your kart. Maintaining this is key to success in CTR. Maintaining it also works through a reserve system, which works by chaining together Mini-Turbos. The way reserves work is that every MT you do adds X amount to your total reserves. Any time you aren't boosting, they deplete every frame. Doing short MTs adds less to your reserves and should be avoided, the fuller the better. Always aim for atleast 90% of the bar or more (unless it's a corner where you need a short one to boost better.) When starting it's probably a good idea to take lenient routes with reserves, meaning do MTs all you want. At higher level play, you're really tight on reserves.

Anyway, HAS sure as hell doesn't have a turbo pad before the first skip, but doing a proper MT chain beforehand still keeps the best speed you can get from a standstill up for the jump itself. If you do bad MTs, then you're gonna run out of speed too early and that's just haha dead rip

Moreover, I feel like I should get this information out there somewhere because people get demotivated with skips really quickly, because they're learning them before even being able to easily perform them. Like Pyramid for example is just dick without fire for anyone new to the game.

MaidSiku vinden dit leuk
FinlandPull6 years ago

Hey we've actually had this for quite a while but why post it anywhere in time right

Here's a link:

FinlandPull7 years ago

Oh yeah that's a point actually. How it went was that (glitched) Challenge Mode used to just kinda be the Doombox category by default and glitchless was actual characters. Doombox obviously got nullified with the parry fuckup but yea I also kinda forgot that the guy's even a thing at all. I'll add him over, sure.

(Too bad I can't actually fill the boards with an old run 'cause it's also glitchless wooh)

FinlandPull7 years ago

DC prompt is closer to you so you lose less speed. The less speed you have to regain through acceleration the better.

Also it's not technically obligatory since you can skip it with some really jank methods but taking it somewhere is way faster.

FinlandPull7 years ago

PS3 is when you have an actual physical PS1 disc thrown into the PS3.

PSVita/PSP/PSTV are to differentiate the Japanese PSN release, so you know which console it's on exactly (don't ask why it isn't merged with PSN lol)

PSN is just the actual Japanese PSN release played on PS3.

Here's a very long link, actually.

PSTV I have no idea if it actually exists but eh big shrugs

kariohki vinden dit leuk
FinlandPull7 years ago

Yea Tiny and Dingo have to do some whack shit like u-turns to even make stuff like Pyramid spiral. Hub 3 onwards the tracks get a lot tighter with curves and our heroes fall flat on their asses and just bleed time everywhere. Probably faster in a TAS setting regardless.

Coco and N.Gin are faster than Crash and Cortex because you can take corners way better. It's some inexplicable thing that I confirmed through actually playing the game. I guess you also u-turn a lot during the run so you'd need good accel in order to get speed back.

Polar and Pura are too slow to save time anywhere at all.

Karlie en FirePOW vindt dit leuk
FinlandPull7 years ago

NTSC is plenty viable and even preferable as it allows for a couple more skips in Out of Time and Hyper Spaceway, depending on the console you're playing on.

Edit: Yea here they are

MickeyPC vinden dit leuk
FinlandPull7 years ago

A PS2 emulator would throw you out the window, they're not exactly accurate with the console they're trying to emulate as is

FinlandPull7 years ago

Emulators should be roughly equal to PS1, if you're using a good one anyway. Now PS2 is where it gets fun, right

PS2 has a mode called Fast Disc Speed (FDS), which allows you to cut load times real short. This saves ~1m30s or some shit compared to PS1 or even Standard Disc Speed.

PS2 isn't the only console with FDS, though. PSP, Vita and PSTV also have an FDS option. All of which are actually faster than the PS2.

PS3 is a pile of wank

topic: The Site
FinlandPull7 years ago

In all honesty you're better off not even considering submitting without a video and just recording with a webcam resembling a potato if that's what you gotta do proofless runs only ever lead to problems

FinlandPull7 years ago

The game's got low activity (speedrun-wise), so we don't really have a need for more mods. Thanks for the offer

FinlandPull7 years ago

Oh yeah cyberscore's a good point, thanks

FinlandPull7 years ago

Alright here we go. So the way reserves work is that every MT you do adds X amount to your total reserves. Any time you aren't boosting, they deplete every frame. Doing short MTs adds less to your reserves and should be avoided, the fuller the better. Always aim for atleast 85% of the bar or more (unless it's a corner where you need a short one to boost better.)

USFs use up all of your reserves the moment you activate it. Like Hypno said, you can't jump off of a super turbo pad because it'll cancel out your USF. Doing any kind of additional boost after USF will cancel it out (MT, landing boost, boost pads and brake I guess).

Because of this, the quality of your MTs throughout the track are very important, as the better your MTs the longer your USF will last. If you run short in comparision to other players, always make sure to check if you're doing your MTs optimally.

FinlandPull7 years ago

I won't answer anything until you tell me this: Do you understand how fire works? (The reserve system, really)

FinlandPull7 years ago

'cause timing is from start of the game to end of the game. gaining control starts from different places in both versions anyway (NTSC you can skip the naughty dog cutscene and PAL you only get it during language selection so lol)

FinlandPull7 years ago

So hey a good handful of the minigames have actual timers and the game tracks your best times on 'em anyway, so is having them on the boards a good idea at all?

I've already done a few of 'em ages ago, but came to realize that PAL sucks dick and shouldn't be ran on, but it would be nice to have an excuse to improve 'em on NTSC regardless.

Over Pull
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