How To Use The Autosplitter/In-Game Timer
How To Use The Autosplitter/In-Game Timer
Geüpdatet 5 years ago door Shining

It's recommended that you edit your layout in order to display an In-Game Timer/IGT Segments. You can download a base layout here:

Right click your LiveSplit and go to edit splits. Make sure your game is set properly (Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Adventure 2: Battle). If the game is set properly, a new option will pop up that says "Autosplitting/In Game Timer is available." Click the activate button, and it will download the file you need and apply it automatically.

Press settings, and make sure your file reads like this:

If it does, then you're all set. You can change the settings so the timer doesn't autostart or autosplit by un-ticking the checkmark boxes.

If not, this most likely means you have a previous version of the file and need to delete it. Deactivate your timer, save splits, and close your LiveSplit. Browse for the location of the ASL, and remove it. Re-open LiveSplit, and reactivate the timer. If you did everything right, you should be automatically calculating IGT.

If any issues arise, please contact me so I can fix them as soon as possible.

  • ShiningFace