3 years ago
New Brunswick, Canada

Hi everyone, started working on chris any% runs, and i was wondering, anyone got tips for quickshooting? i cant seem to get it working consistantly, and i see most runners having no issues lol. any tips welcomed, like timing, key binds, anything. thanks in advance!

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Basically: You hold AIM and ACTION to shoot and in between the shots you let go of the aim button and repress it again (mashing helps to hit the right moment). It takes practice but after a while you will get it and find the right timing. I tried to explain it in the tutorial as well:

If you want to practice quickshooting, i can send you a save file with all guns and maximum amount of ammo in it. Just hit me on Discord if you like :) Cheers

Massachusetts, USA

I know some people time it by hitting aim three times after the first shot goes out. Clix_Gaming and Witchrain do that, I would watch their runs and watch their inputs to see what I mean. When I quickshoot I use an Xbox One controller as I am garbage at quickshooting on a keyboard. XD I just start mashing right after the first shot and it seems to work fine for me.

New Brunswick, Canada

Amazing guide, thank you so much, and yeah if its not too much trouble, ill send you a msg on discord!

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